Komagata Maru Project

In 1914, “Komagata Maru” carried 376 South Asian would-be immigrants to Canada, but it was turned away from Vancouver. This reflected a larger move against Asian immigration at that time in both popular and official circles.

In honour of the centenary of this tragic event, UBC Asian Studies and its partners have produced a multi-faceted program in early May to commemorate and understand more fully the incident and its ongoing significance in Canada today. Please click here for more information.

An evening with Ali Kazimi and the film Continuous Journey
(The Harjit Kaur Sidhu Memorial Program for 2014)
Thursday, May 1 | 7:00 p.m. | Centre Stage, New Surrey City Hall

Performing the Post-colonial: The political work of theatre
Saturday, May 3 | 2:00 p.m. | UBC St. John’s College

Performing the Komagata Maru: Theatre and the Work of Memory
Saturday, May 3 | 7:30p.m. | UBC Frederic Wood Theatre

Sunday, May 4 | 2:00 p.m. | UBC Frederic Wood Theatre
Friday, May 9 | 8:00 p.m. | Surrey Arts Centre
Tickets: $10 (at both venues)

Performing the Komagata Maru




Cigarette cards digitization project led by SLAIS students

Project home page

From January to April, Asian Library presented an exhibition on Li Desheng’s collection of cigarette cards under the title “Knowing 360 Jobs in Old China.  At the same time our GAA student Daisy Hui and her two fellows, Kimberly Garmoe and Sehdeep Kaur, at the UBC School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS) also initiated a digitization project on Li’s collection.

According to Daisy, this is the project for the course LIBR 582 Digital Images and Text Collections.  “I attended Li’s lecture during the Library’s New Year celebration. It’s really interesting, but I also noticed that it is not easy to get access to those cards because they are private collections.   So the idea of digitizing Li’s collection came into my mind as it would be useful for researchers who are interested in this area and also may attract those potential researchers.”

Both Kimberly and Sehdeep were happy about her idea. “We hope to see this can serve as a pilot project to increase the visibility of private collections existed in our community.  We would like to act as the bridge between researchers and valuable collection holders,” said Daisy.

Li Densheng has in his collection some 20,000 pieces of cigarette advertising materials.  Considering the limited amount of time they have for the course project, they three decided to pick and digitize about 60 cigarette cards.  The project now comes to the end and it turns out to be a great success, in terms of the presentation of the aesthetic beauty of the cigarette cards on the website as well as the accessible text information on the cards.

Everyone can visit http://cdm15935.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/landingpage/collection/p15935coll63 to view Daisy, Kimberly and Sehdeep’s work. Feedback are very welcome.

explorASIAN 2014: The Search of Peking Man

Peking Man skull

Peking Man skull

Come join the Asian Library to celebrate explorASIAN 2014 in the slide presentation “The Search of Peking Manby Dr. Harry C.S. Lam.  This is held on Thursday, May 22nd, 2:00-3:30 p.m. at the Asian Centre Auditorium(1871 West Mall, Vancouver).

Peking Man refers to a group of individuals living in a location near Peking from 10,000 to about 800,000 years ago. The older ones are homo erectus and the more recent ones are homo sapiens. The fossils consist of more than 40 individuals, old and young, male and female.  They were discovered in the 1920s, and the excavation ceased in 1937 when Japan invaded China.

These ancient humans already knew how to use fire and eat cooked food. The more modern ones (10,000-30,000 years ago) presumably also wore clothes, because a sewing needle with an eye had been found. Imagine how difficult it is to grind down a piece of bone to a needle and make an eye on it, all without any metallic tool.

However, all these fossils were lost on the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941! To date they have not been found, and probably will never be. Dr. Harry Lam will walk you through this dramatic and mysterious story of their loss, and the subsequent search in Japan, China, and the United States.

explorasian_ahm_optDr. Harry C.S. Lam, Ernest Rutherford Emeritus Professor of Physics of McGill University and Honorary Professor of UBC Physics & Astronomy, is an internationally renowned leader in theoretical physics.  His work, characterized by its breadth as well as its insight, has greatly furthered high-energy physics research.  Lam has won the Faculty of Science’s Leo Yaffe Award for Excellence in Teaching and has served as chair of the Department of Physics, as well as on many university committees.

Partnered with the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, “The Search of Peking Man” is conducted in English with Q&A session in both English and Chinese. It is free and open to the public. For inquiry, please contact Phoebe Chow at 604.822.2427.

Happy Vaisakhi!

Celebrating Vaisakhi

Vaisakhi is a festival celebrated across northern India to commemorate the harvest season and the birth of the Khalsa. It is celebrated with great fervour by the Sikh community in India and by the Sikh diaspora around the world.

This day is also observed as the Thanksgiving Day by the farmers whereby they pay their tribute to God, thanking him for the abundant harvest and also praying for the future prosperity. The festival holds great significance for the Sikhs due of the fact that on the day of Vaisakhi in the year 1699, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh laid down the foundation of the Panth Khalsa, the Order of the Pure Ones.

For more information about Vaisakhi, come and visit our new display at the Asian Centre foyer! The display will be on until the end of May.

Vaisakhi display







Thank you for participating the Elegant Gathering of Confucianists

Co-presented by the UBC Asian Library and School of Music, “An Elegant Gathering of Confucianists” (儒家雅集) was successfully held on Thursday, Mar 20. It had a big turnout with more than 100 people actually! Wish everyone enjoyed the performance of Qin zither and Chinese calligraphy.  Highlight of the event fell on the performance of traditional melody “Spring River, Flowers and the Moon at Night” (春光花月夜) accompanied by the calligraphy of “Qingping diao” (清平調).  You can click here  for the full program.

A big thank you to the followings who make this event successful:
Master Lin Min (林敏) & students
Master Li Desheng (李德生)
Artists from the Canada Hua Feng Artists Association (加拿大華楓藝術家協會)
Dr. Alan Thrasher, UBC School of Music
Daisy Hui, GAA, UBC Asian Library

Calligraphy demonstration

Calligraphy demonstration (Master Li Desheng)












Qin and Xiao (Rong Shao and Lan Yang)

Qin and Xiao (Rong Shao and Lan Yang)










Qin and Huapen Gu (Master Lin Min and Alan Lau)

Qin and Huapen Gu (Master Lin Min and Alan Lau)











Guzheng and Calligraphy (Master Li Desheng and Lin Min)

Guzheng and Calligraphy (Master Lin Min and Li Desheng)












Guzheng and Calligraphy (Master Li Desheng and Lin Min)

Guzheng and Calligraphy (Master Lin Min and Li Desheng)

Haft-seen display at the Asian Centre



The Asian Library will be displaying a haft-seen table spread to celebrate Persian New Year (Norouz). The haft-seen is comprised of seven (haft) edible items that start with “seen” (س ) an “S” sounding alphabet.  Each household normally creates a decorative haft-seen and this is left up throughout the New Year season, which lasts for 13 days.

The seven main items to include on the table spread are:

Serkeh سرکه  (vinegar)
Senjed سنجد (dried lotus fruit)
Sabzeh سبزه (“greens” or sprouts grown specifically for the new year)
Siib سیب (apple)
Samanu سمنو (wheat germ paste)
Siir سیر (garlic)
Sumac سماق (a spice)

For more information on Persian New Year, see the UBC Intercultural Understanding Blog post.

An Elegant Gathering of Confucianists

Gathering of Confucianists

Playing qinWelcome to join us for a special performance and demonstration of the traditional Chinese arts of qin zither (琴) and calligraphy (書法) – two of the most important accomplishments of the Confucian scholar.  Both types of music and art are experiencing a strong revival in interest in China and around the world, reflecting shared values of the ancient past.

Thursday March 20, 2014
12:00 noon – 2:00pm
(Calligraphy exhibition 11:30am to 3:00pm)

UBC Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall, Vancouver)


12:00pm – 12:30pm   Calligraphy demonstration by Master Li Desheng

12:30pm – 1:15pm     Qin Zither performance by Master Lin Min
1:15pm – 1:30pm       Calligraphy and Qin Zither (春江花月夜) – Master Li and Lin
1:30pm – 2:00pm       Calligraphy demonstration by Master Li

Master Li Desheng (李德生)

Li DeshengOriginally from Beijing, Li Desheng is a renowned calligrapher, writer and collector.  As the Founding President of the Canada Hua Feng Artists Association (加拿大華楓藝術家協會), he participants in various calligraphy and painting exhibitions and gives lectures on calligraphy, oriental folklore, cigarette cards, Chinese operas, etc.  He is currently the calligraphy instructor at the Richmond Chinese Community Society (列治文華人社區協會) and Richmond Senior Activity Centre (老年人活動中心).

Master Lin Min (林敏)

Lin MinLin Min began her career as a qin (zither) performer in 1992, studying with the great Guangling School (廣陵派) masters of central-eastern China, notably with Lin Youren (林友仁) at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Since moving to Vancouver three years ago, she has established a local qin studio and has an active student following.  Lin has been teaching and performing at UBC since 2012.


This event is co-presented by the UBC Asian Library & School of Music, and collaborated by the Canada Hua Feng Artists Association. It is free and open to the public.





Calligraphy Lecture & Demonstration with Kataoka Shikō

Kataoka Shiko

Kataoka Shiko

The Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver, Keifūkai Vancouver and UBC Asian Library are hosting an evening with renowned calligrapher Kataoka Shikō  (片岡紫江) on Monday, February 24th, 6:30pm at the UBC Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall, Vancouver). Ms. Kataoka will provide a lecture and demonstration in Japanese, with English translation provided by Dr. Sonja Arntzen.

Kataoka Shikō is a member of the Japan Academy of the Arts and the President of the Keifukai Calligraphy Association. Her international exhibition participation includes China, Hong Kong, Europe, United States and Canada.  Dr. Sonja Arntzen, Professor Emerita of Classical Japanese Literature at the University of Toronto, has collaborated in several exhibitions with Shikō. She published a new translation of the Kagero Diary in 1997.

This event is co-Sponsored by UBC Asian Studies Department and the UBC Asian Studies Interest Association.  It is free and open to the public.

Calligraphy by Kataoka Calligraphy by Kataoka

Celebrate Lunar New Year at the Asian Centre!

Chinese New Year 2014 Front Page

The Year of the Horse is approaching! UBC Asian Library, in collaboration with the Department of Asian Studies, will be celebrating the Lunar New Year at the Asian Centre on Friday, February 7, from 10:00am to 4:00pm (map).

The main event hosted by the Department of Asian Studies will start at 10:00am. It is a spectacular celebration of Chinese culture with performances from professional Lion Dancers, UBC students and the UBC Chinese Ensemble (click here for more information).

The Asian Library will then be joining in the afternoon by offering the following programs:

Write Calligraphy
Wear Chinese Traditional Costumes & Take Photos (in collaboration with Hanfu Culture Society)
Tie Chinese Knots
Make Paper Crafts

ASIAN BOOK SALE (1:00-4:00pm)
Bring a tote bag with you!  This book sale carries lots of new, used, and hard-to-find books and some journals. Most are in Asian languages (mainly in Chinese, Japanese and Korean and Indic languages) and some in English.  Prices range from $.10 to $5. Many subject areas, including history, language, literature, religion, philosophy and fine arts.  All items CASH and CARRY.

LECTURE (in Mandarin) (2:00-3:00pm)
“Cigarette Cards and Chinese Customs” by Desheng Li
风行于清末民初的香烟画片与中国民俗 (李德生主讲, 以普通话进行)

Beautiful China Photo Exhibition (In collaboration with the Consulate General of PRC Vancouver) (Asian Centre foyer)
春节文化走进图书馆 – 美丽中国图片展览 (与中华人民共和国驻温哥华总领馆合办)

Knowing 360 jobs in Old China from Cigarette Cards (Asian Library upper floor)

Test yourself how well you know about the Library. Prizes are waiting for you! You can also get a stamp to enter the lucky draw.

This event is free and open to the public. Come and celebrate with us! For inquiry, please call 604-822-2427.

Beautiful China Photo Exhibition

Grassland in Xinjiang

Grassland in Xinjiang

A beautiful China is defined by all kinds of beautiful elements: green mountains, peaceful lakes, harmony between man and nature, eco-friendly consciousness in urban planning and development, smile on faces,  happiness in heart…….you can now explore more through the lens of the photographers in China.

Co-presented by the Asian Library and the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China, “Beautiful China” photo exhibition highlights more than 20 colourful pictures that bring you to different regions of China and experience the beauty of the country.  This exhibition is hosted under the theme “Spring Festival Culture in the Library”.  Come check it out between February 7 to March 17 at the foyer of Asian Centre.

“Beautiful China” is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and presented by the Centre of International Cultural Exchange.

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Celebrating Chinese New Year

绿水青山的自然之美,均衡发展的和谐之美,与时俱进的创造之美, 追求幸福的心灵之美, 正是这色彩斑斓的美, 描绘出一幅幅美丽中国的图景, 现在你可以透过摄影师的镜头去捕捉体会和发掘。

由卑诗大学亚洲图书馆及中华人民共和国驻温哥华总领馆联合主办的”美丽中国图片展”, 展出共二十多幅由中国摄影家们拍摄的图片, 带你走遍中国大地不同地区欣赏中国之美。是次展览乃属总领馆“春节文化走进图书馆”活动,由二月七日至三月十七日在亚洲中心举行。查询请电 604.822.2427。

“美丽中国” 由中华人民共和国文化部主办, 中外文化交流中心策划。


Exhibition: Knowing 360 Jobs in Old China from Cigarette Cards

Lantern seller

Lantern seller 卖灯笼

Come check out the new exhibition “Knowing 360 Jobs in Old China from Cigarette Cards” (从烟画看旧中国的三百六十行) on the upper floor of the Asian Library from January 6 to April 5, 2014.

Cigarette cards, also known as cigarette picture chips, first appeared in 1875 in North Carolina.  They were attached to cigarette packs or boxes as a means to attracting publicity.  In 1885, cigarette cards were brought into China, and they became very popular in the early 20th century when the war of the tobacco trade got increasingly intense.  At the time when photography was still at its developing stage, these finely printed cigarette cards, rich in colors and contents as well as in their cultural qualities of the time, win them the reputation of  “a museum in hand” (一座手中的博物馆) and are highly treasured in the history of art.

“360 jobs” is a collective name used by people in general to refer to all types of jobs in the traditional handicraft industry and occupations in old China. They include jobs relating to clothing, food, accommodation, transportation, entertainment and even street hawking and hundreds of manual laboring jobs of all kinds. This exhibition mainly showcases Desheng Li’s personal collection and copies of cigarette cards that featured the activities of folks from all walks of life in old China.  One can catch a glimpse of what life was like in the late-Qing and early-Republic of China years and the many socio-economic changes that took place thereafter in China.

Sesame oil workers

Sesame oil workers 磨麻油

Desheng Li (李德生) is a writer, calligrapher and collector.  He is a researcher of the Culture Regeneration Research Society, a columnist of the Japanese journal History of Tobacco and a veteran member of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Painting Card Association. He has in his collection some 20,000 pieces of cigarette advertising materials produced by both domestic and foreign tobacco companies in China.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Li will give a lecture titled “Cigarette Cards and Chinese Customs” (风行于清末民初的香烟画片与中国民俗) on Friday, February 7th, 2:00-3:00pm during the Library’s Lunar New Year Celebration. The lecture will be conducted in Mandarin with slide show.  For more information on the programs of the New Year celebration, please click here.

More Information about the display and cigarette cards:
Display Introduction
Display Poster
Digital Collection: Li Desheng cigarette cards collection (SLAIS student digitization and community project)


Tsugaru Shamisen workshop with Hiroshi Yamaguchi (Nov 12)

Hiroshi YamaguchiUBC Asian Library, Asian Studies Department and Mokuyokai co-present a Shamisen workshop with renowned Tsugaru Shamisen artist Hiroshi Yamaguchi, which will be held Tuesday November 12, 6:30pm at the Asian Centre Auditorium in UBC (1871 West Mall, Vancouver).

Hiroshi Yamaguchi, one of Japan’s top young Tsugaru Shamisen performers, is visiting Vancouver for the cross-cultural collaborative concert, “Bang Danjos“.  First on stage at the age of 4, Hiroshi learnt Tsugaru Shamisen from his father Koji Yamaguchi and other Shamisen artists.   He completed his undergraduate and graduate degree at the Tokyo Geijutsu Digaku (Tokyo University of the Arts) in 1999 and 2001 respectively.  Since then he has been  a leading member of a new generation of performers in the genre, involving in various performances, workshops, TV & radio programs  in Japan, USA, China, Korea, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Vietnam, Thailand, UK and Spain.  His first album “Kuro Maru” collaborating with western instruments was released in 2011.

On this evening Hiroshi will discuss his journey with the Shamisen: its challenge, the history and his successes. The event will be in Japanese with English translation. Check out here for more information.

Celebrating Hindi Literature – a book display

Uthati Hilorein

Uthati Hilorein

UBC Library’s Asian Library is pleased to bring you a book display “Celebrating Hindi Literature” featuring Madhu Varshney and other popular Hindi poets. It is located on the Asian Library upper floor and the Asian Centre foyer from October 30 through November 12,  2013.

Madhu Varshney was born August 1945 in Sarai Tarin (U.P.) Dist., Moradabad, India.  She has post graduate degrees in Hindi Literature and in Economics.  In her undergraduate studies, she specialized in Literature – Hindi, English and Sanskrit. As an active member of the Indian community in Vancouver, Madhu was awarded British Columbia Community Achievement Award in 2008.

Madhu’s interest lies in teaching languages, folk songs and dances. She has compiled eight books on religion, spirituality and folk song like Maharishi Dayanand Kaa Gourav Gaan (2013) as well as published two collections of her poems Bhav-Tarang and Uthati Hilorein. The newly published Uthati Hilorein (Rising Waves) is a collection of modern Hindi poems about nature, spirituality and love.




Memory of Korean War Performing by Ilsoo Kyung – An New Exhibit

Ilsoo and cart

Come and visit Asian Library’s new exhibit Memory of Korean War Performing by Ilsoo Kyung MacLaurin in the Asian Centre foyer from September 23 until January 31, 2014.

Born in Korea, Ilsoo shares some of her memories of the Korean War in this exhibition. As a child living on a farm, Ilsoo and her family were forced to flee their home with literally what we could carry on a small cart. Food was scarce then and she can remember the many hardships they had to endure while running away from the violence.  Her family was able to return to their farm after the fighting stopped. Ilsoo became a nurse and immigrated to Canada in 1967.

Canada for decades has been Ilsoo’s home and it has reshaped her into who she is today. Living here in Vancouver, she has witnessed a different kind of hardship seen in certain downtown neighbourhoods. This inspired her to re-enact her childhood escape from the Korean War. She is attempting to draw attention to the plight of the downtown Eastside homeless. These works of art blend together the cultural themes that she identifies herself with.

About Ilsoo Kyung MacLaurin

Ilsoo art workIlsoo is a multi-media artist. She started painting in early 1997, and continued after retiring from her nursing career in 2002. She graduated at UBC with a Bachelor of Fine Art, major in Visual Art.  She has involved in numerous solo and group exhibitions.  Many of her art works are in private collections in Korea, Australia, the United States and Canada.

Ilsoo’s work is focused in personal identity and expression, as well as themes in the context of Korea and Canada. In her recent work, she is exploring her cultural identity; and in the process, new synthesis is emerging in her own individual practice of painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, video, photography, digital imagery, performing art and installation works.

Her works are grounded in the natural world, but looking beyond the scenic or the physical form to search for symbols and meaning in all that she encounters; her style is representation with special attention to colour, texture and form. Ilsoo’s work has been featured in a number of articles in magazines including Senior Living, the Delta Optimist, the Tricity newspaper and YouTube.  For more information, visit http://www.ilsookyung.com/.

Father and the Republic – Pai Hsien-yung lecture & book display

Father and the RepublicPai Hsien-yung (白先勇), one of the most important modern Chinese fiction writers, will be visiting Vancouver next week and giving lecture on his book Father and the Republic (父親與民國) at this year’s Yip So Man Wat memorial Lecture hosted by the Department of Asian Studies.

Father and the Republic is a photobiography devoted to the life and career of the late General Pai Ch’ung-hsi (白崇禧 1893–1966), father of Pai Hsien-yung. General Pai’s career both paralleled and profoundly influenced the history of the Republic of China. This book includes nearly six hundred photographs that serve to illustrate the public career and family life of General Pai from the 1920s to his days in Taiwan. As a witness to the birth of the first republic in Asia, Pai Ch’ung-hsi felt an unwavering sense of loyalty to it and chose to stay on in the Republic’s last foothold in China.

In conjunction with the lecture, Asian Library has set up a book display on Pai Hsien-yung’s works, which is located at the Asian Centre entrance from September 26 until October 19.  For more information on the lecture and other associated events, please visit http://www.asia.ubc.ca/2013/08/26/2013-yip-so-man-wat-memorial-lecture-guest-speaker-pai-hsien-yung/.







Our Truth – Reconciliation at Asian Library

TRC display at AsianThe week of September 16-22 is the BC Reconciliation Week.  The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), which was established in 2008 to gather testimony on survivors’ experiences of the Indian Residential Schools, is also holding its BC National Events at Vancouver PNE from September 18-21.

UBC is dedicated to developing a better understanding of Indian Residential School histories, the policies that guided the operations of the schools, and their effects upon individuals and communities.  The University will be suspending classes on September 18 to allow students, faculty and other members of the UBC community to participate in this historic event and other events around the city.

Asian Library, as part of the UBC Library, joined this campus-wide initiative by setting up a display to feature books, journal and blog articles as well as newspaper clippings on the Indian Residential Schools, in particular from an Asian perspective. It’s located in the Asian Centre foyer from September 16 to 25.  Exhibits and displays on the Aboriginal issues can also be found at Education Library, Koerner Library, and Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. 

For more information, visit facebook/ourtruthubc | twitter/ourtruthubc | ubc.ca/ourtruth







Creating with Paper – a new display

Paper dolls

Paper dolls by Ilsoo Kyung

Paper is a medium of ideas.

We write or print on paper every day to record what is in our mind.  Paper is also a versatile medium for artist to express their creative thoughts.

From trained artists to kindergarten students, they use techniques of folding, cutting, pop-ups, papier-mâché to create fascinated papercraft to decorate their lives.

CREATING WITH PAPER highlights selected library collections on paper art as well as features artworks including traditional Chinese papercuts, paper dolls by Korean artist Ilsoo Kyung, origami (paper folding), pop-ups, etc.



Come check out the exhibition on the upper floor of the Asian Library from August 26 to October 19. It is open to the public during the library open hours:

Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm

Monday through Thursday 9am – 8pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 12noon – 5pm
(Library is closed on Labour Day Sept 2 and Thanksgiving Day Oct 14)


Donations from New World Press

Zhang Hai’ou, Editor-in-chief, and three other representatives from the New World Press (新世界出版社) visited the Asian Library on Tuesday, June 25. They generously presented to the Library 16 titles of Chinese monographs, including “我们的荊轲(莫言)”,  “做个快乐读书人(刘墉)”, “沙海(南派三叔)”, “平凹文墨迹(贾平凹)”, “漫画一生(华君武)”, “北大国学课”, “”一百个中国人的梦”, etc.  The books are now on display at the Asian Centre entrance until July 10 and will be available for circulating the week after.

Sha HaiZhongguo ren de meng  Bei da guo xue ke

Carpet Cleaning May 28-29

To facilitate the annual cleaning of carpet, different floors of the library will be CLOSED at the time listed below:

Upper floor
Tuesday May 28 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lower floor
Wednesday May 29 12:00 noon – 3:00 pm

Seminar rooms & CJK reference area
Wednesday May 29 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Head, Asian Library

Generation One at the Asian Centre

Come and join us next week at the Generation One art exhibition to celebrate the Asian Heritage Month!

As one of the signature programs of this year’s celebration, the 4th Generation One Art Exhibition is a distinctive exhibition featuring artworks of inter-cultural and cross-generational Pan-Asian artists.  The displays of paintings and calligraphy will put spotlight on local young artists as well as established masters who are either first-generation Asian Canadians or new immigrants.

This week-long exhibition is co-presented by Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society and UBC Art History and Visual Art Department (AHVA).  Asian Library, together with the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and Asian Studies Department are happy to be the co-sponsors.

Opening Reception is held Monday, May 20, 2:00pm – 5:00pm. The exhibition is free and open to the public Monday through Sunday, 10:00am – 6:00pm, from May 20 until May 27 at the Asian Centre Auditorium (map).

A simultaneous exhibition is held at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (map) Level 2 foyer and Ike’s cafe gallery until May 30.

For more information, please visit the explorAsian website.

Generation One Art Exhibition

Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver

onese Musical InstrumentsIndonesian gamelan, African mbira… Cantonese music – what do these all have in common? Find out at “Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver” (中西合流: 二十世紀溫哥華廣東樂器展)

In collaboration with the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives (CCC) (大溫哥華中華文化中心文物館),  Asian Library remounts this exhibit which was first shown in the CCC last November to this February.

The exhibit showcases 19 pieces of Chinese musical instruments from the Chinese Cultural Centre and the Asian Library’s Lok-Tin Lee Collection, used in Vancouver’s Chinatown in early to mid 20th Century.

Special thanks to our Consultant Dr. Alan Thrasher, Professor Emeritus in UBC School of Music and Curator Alan Lau, Board Director of the Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society.  Click here for Alan’s introduction on Chinese xylophone (木琴).

You can visit the exhibit in the foyer of Asian Centre Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, please contact Phoebe Chow at phoebe.chow@ubc.ca.

The Protestant Chinese Bible – The First Centenary

MatthewThe history of the Protestant translation of the Christian Bible into Chinese is a fascinating one. Beginning with Robert Morrison and Joshua Marshman sharing sources yet working independently in the early 19th century, many versions and editions of the Chinese Bible had emerged in the following decades. No less than 9 major Chinese versions were produced during this vibrant period of translational activities, in addition to numerous dialectical translations plus works such as Chinese-English dictionaries, Chinese grammar works and histories of China. Only after the completion of the “official tongue” version of the Union Version (1919) was there an increasing loyalty and consensus towards a particular version.

Co-presented by Clement Tong and the Asian Library, “The Protestant Chinese Bible – The First Centenary” (基督教華文聖經百年翻譯史) explores a number of precious early Protestant Chinese translations, which take the viewers through the first one hundred years of the Protestant attempt to give Chinese people a Bible written in their languages.

Clement teaches translation skills and cultural studies at Simon Fraser University and New Testament Greek at the Vancouver School of Theology.  He has been a professional and certified translator in Canada for 14 years, serves as a board member of the Society of Translators & Interpreters of British Columbia and a national certification examiner for the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council.  He is currently working towards a PhD in Religious Studies at UBC.  His research interests include an examination of the early Chinese translations of the Christian Bible completed in the 19th century, and he has often presented papers on the Asian translation and hermeneutics of the Bible at various international conferences.

Come and visit the display on the upper floor of the Asian Library.  It is free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. until the end of June.

Three New Displays at Asian Library

Spring has arrived and all three display cases of Asian Library received a new look!

The Protestant Chinese Bible – The First Centenary 基督教華文聖經百年翻譯史 (Asian Library upper floor)

Co-presented by Clement Tong and the Asian Library, this display takes the viewers through the hundred years of the Protestant attempt to give Chinese people a Bible written in their languages. [More]

Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver 中西合流: 二十世紀溫哥華廣東樂器展 (Asian Centre foyer)

Indonesian gamelan, African mbira… Cantonese music – what do these all have in common? Come check out “Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver”.  [More]

Works by Gill Moranwali (Asian Centre foyer)

Gill Moranwali was born in 1937 in the village of Miranwali in Hushiarpur distt of Punjab, India.  He began writing in 1964.  Immigrated to Canada in 1970, he has been involved in the North American Punjabi Writer’s Association. He made a sort of bridge between Indian and Canadian Poets.

Gill obtained the “Punjabi Sahit Sabha Canada” award and “Rim Jhim Radio” award in 1991 and 1993 respectively.  Gill’s best known poetic works include “Tanweer E. Bazal”, “Chambe Di Dali”, “Babal Jaee kee Karay” and “Amee Jaee Kee Kare”.

New Course Reserve System Available to Instructors & Students

UBC Library has been introducing a new course reserve system since last August through Connect, UBC’s new learning management system. This system, launched by UBC Library in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology and UBC IT, is a portal to all course reserves on a secure, campus-wide basis. Old course reserves request forms will be retired on April 30, 2013 in favour of the new system, which provides many benefits.

Benefits for instructors:

  • Easy addition of articles, books, web links and media resources
  • View the status of course reserve requests
  • Get a hyperlink for your course materials for use outside of Connect
  • Seamlessly integrate course reserves into your Connect course
  • Group items using tags
  • Reactivate readings in future terms in a single step
  • UBC Library and Copyright Office support available
  • View usage data

Benefits for students:

  • Targeted and easily accessible readings
  • A single list for electronic, print and multimedia course materials
  • Email notifications when a new item is added
  • Anywhere, anytime access to electronic course reserves

How do I get started?

  • Go to connect.ubc.ca
  • Log in with your CWL
  • Click on the Library tab
  • Select your course under My Course Reserves
  • Start adding or accessing your course materials

More information on course reserves is available at courses.library.ubc.ca or contact your local Library branch.

Note: Asian Library Course Reserve looks after courses CHIN, JAPN, ASLA and ASIA (graduate courses).  Please contact asian.reserve@ubc.ca or 604-822-2427 if there is questions.

2012 WCILCOS Conference papers in UBC cIRcle

It is nearly a year since the 5th WCILCOS Conference on Chinese through the America was held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. As the Conference Secretariat, Asian Library is delighted to announce that the conference handbook, keynote speech webcasts, authorized papers and presentation slides are now available in cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository – an open, accessible and searchable database!

You can access cIRcle from UBC Library Open Collections at https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/59585. In addition, visit the WCILCOS conference website for the conference photos as well as interviews of six delegates.

On behalf of the 2012 WCILCOS Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to thank you again for everyone’s support and contributions to this very successful conference. The WCILCOS email account wcilcos.2012@ubc.ca will be closed by the end of March, 2013.  For future news about WCILCOS, please visit its official website: https://overseaschineseconfederation.wordpress.com/.

Collections Relocation

The removal of all materials from the Asian vault on the ground floor was completed last week. ALL Asian rare collections including the Puban, Pang Jingtang collections are now kept at the Rare Books and Special Collections division at IKBLC with storage conditions that meet international standards.

Other big sets such as 百部叢書集成 AC149.P25 S.1-S.100,  韓國口碑文學大系 PL968.4 H34 1980,  大日本近世史料 DS803 D28 are now shelved on open stacks next to the CJK journals on the Lower Floor, but not according to call number sequence for the time being unfortunately.

We are also in the process of moving all the “L” and “G” books to the compact shelving and relocating all oversized books regardless of call number groups to the shelves against the walls at the lower floor.

We understand that the book moves might cause inconveniences and confusion. Please enquire at the circulation desk or contact the language librarians for assistance if necessary.

Asian Library joined the UBC-BWB partnership in handling discarded books

Asian Library has recently joined the UBC-BWB partnership in handling discarded library materials.

UBC Point Grey, UBC Okanagan and the UBC Bookstore have long developed partnerships with Better World Books, an award winning online bookstore “with a soul” based in Atlanta, GA. This company is considered a trail blazer among newly emerging socially and environmentally responsible businesses that makes every effort to resell materials sent to it from libraries and institutions around the world. It also donates educational materials to organizations throughout North America and the world over as well as recycles all materials it cannot sell in an environmentally responsible manner.

As usual, Asian Library will first put out discarded items and unneeded gift books for sale at the library.  Sending materials to Better World Books is only a sober “last” look for these materials.

Roof and Skylight Replacement Project Update

New Roof

The roofing project has been completed. The contractor has removed all the scaffolds and fences around the building. They have also installed new “snow stoppers” on the roof. Hopefully we will no longer have tall banks of snow blocking our front and and back entrances whenever there is a heavy snow fall.

“Where East Meets West” Exhibition – extended to February 24, 2013

UBC Asian Library, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver and B.C. Chinese Music Association are pleased to announce that their collaborated exhibition, Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver, has been extended to February 24, 2013.

To coincide with the exhibition, curator Alan Lau will be giving two talks in January on Chinese opera and Cantonese music.  Both talks will be in Chinese and please see details below.

The exhibition is located at Chinese Cultural Centre Museum (555 Columbia Street, Vancouver) and is open Tuesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed on Mondays and holidays).  Admission: $3/adult, $2/senior or student, free for children under six and Tuesdays by donation.

For question about the exhibition please contact Chinese Cultural Centre Museum at 604-658-8880.

Curator’s Talk (in Chinese)

Place: Chinese Cultural Centre Museum (555 Columbia Street, Vancouver)

Saturday, January 5th 2:00pm
Ten Thousand Flowers – the Kaleidoscopic World of Chinese Opera

Saturday, January 19th 1:00pm
The Great Harmony of Music

中文講座  (由展覽策劃人劉嘉麟先生主講, Tina Ho 示範)

地點:中華文化中心文物館 (溫哥華哥倫比亞街555號)

2013年1月5日(六) 下午2:00  《姹紫嫣紅 - 千變萬化的中國戲曲》

2013年1月19日(六)  下午1:00  《音樂大同》
這次講座將從多元文化角度, 透過亞洲各國帶有中國元素和影響的音樂 (如日韓雅樂), 重塑中國音樂史, 窺探當中種種的文化合流, 展望中國音樂的發展與未來

Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver

Where East meets West

Indonesian gamelan, African mbira… Cantonese music – what do these all have in common? — Find out at Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver. The exhibition showcases a collection of Chinese musical instruments from the Chinese Cultural Centre and the UBC Asian Library’s Henry Lok-Tin Lee Collections, used in Vancouver’s Chinatown during the 1950s and 60s.

It is a somewhat unknown fact that Cantonese music is a relatively new phenomenon, derived from regional styles approximately a century and a half ago. Cantonese people are known for their receptiveness and adaptability to new ideas, evident in their use of hybrid instruments, such as modified guitars and banjos, castanet-like percussions, and in fact, xylophones tuned according to Cantonese musical modes, which are all featured as part of the exhibit. — Imagine these cultural influences and interactions, carried along by early Chinese migrants in search of the “Gold Mountain,” slowly unfolding in Vancouver’s Chinatown under the backdrop of post-war prosperities, where the East meets with the West in novel yet subtle ways…

Asian Library, University of British Columbia
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver
B.C. Chinese Music Association

Date: November 15 – December 16, 2012

Place: Chinese Cultural Centre Museum (555 Columbia Street, Vancouver)

Time: Tuesday – Sunday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (closed on Mondays and holidays)

Admission: $3/adult, $2/senior or student, free for CCC members and children under six (Tuesdays by donation)

Opening Reception and Live Performance (B.C. Chinese Music Association)
Saturday, November 17, 2:00 p.m.

Musical Demonstration (B.C. Chinese Music Association) &
Interactive Workshop: Intra-lingual: A Tale of Cantonese Music
(Presenter: Alan Lau, Exhibition Curator)
Saturday, December 1, 2:00 p.m.

For exhibition poster, visit here.

For news about this exhibition in Chinese, please visit:
Ming Pao | Sing Tao Daily | World Journal

Donations from Robert H.N. Ho & Family Foundation

The Asian Library is pleased to announce that we have recently received three titles of gift from Mr. Robert Ho and The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation. The books are now on display at the Asian Centre lobby.

Out of Character: Decoding Chinese Calligraphy
: 觀遠山莊珍藏法書選

Out of CharacterEdited by Michael Knight and Joseph Z. Chang, this catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition Out of Character: Decoding Chinese Calligraphy, at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, October 5, 2012 – January 13, 2013.  Sponsored by the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, the show includes 40 extraordinary Chinese calligraphies along with three major Western paintings on loan from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

For more information about this exhibition, click here.

We All Live in the Forbidden City Publication Series

Co-presented and co-published by the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation and Design & Cultural Studies Workshop, We All Live in the Forbidden City publication series is a lively interpretation of the Forbidden City that allows readers an opportunity to time travel to the past, visit and learn about the great palace from a fresh perspective.  Comprised of nine books and three maps, this series received the Hong Kong Book Prize and Hong Kong Print Awards in 2010, and the Silver Award from the Design for Asia Award in 2011.

For more information about this publication series, click here.

The Forbidden City 100: 100 timeless images of the Forbidden City

Co-produced by CCTV9 and the Palace Museum, Forbidden City 100 features a hundred different locations within the Palace Museum all revealing the unseen cultural significance and history of China.  The 100 locations include the well-known buildings standing on the central axis: the Meridian Gate as well as three main palaces on the axis – Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. Also highlighted in the series are places that either not accessible to tourists or have never been shown on TV before. The documentary series also illustrates building features such as dou-gong (bracket system) and golden bricks, small structural features that explain the inner meanings of Chinese building and culture.

WU HAN-CHI: One Family – Two Nations 伍漢持烈士生平展

Wu Han-Chi Exhibition

Date: September 13 – 26, 2012
Place: Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall, Vancouver)
Sponsors: UBC Library, The Memorial Museum of Generalissimo Sun Yat-Sen’s Mansion, OMNI/City TV

日期: 2012年9月13-26日
地点: 卑诗大学亚洲中心 (1871 West Mall, Vancouver)
合办: 卑诗大学图书馆, 孙中山大元帅府纪念馆, OMNI/City TV

Details 详情:



Temporary Floor Closing for the Asian Library

The Asian Library will close the 2nd floor from July 10 through 12 for renovation. There will be no access to our Chinese, Japanese and Korean collections in the call number range of A to F, H, P to PL4000s during that period of time.

Library patrons can still access the lower floor collections: newspapers, all journal collections, CJK fine arts, oversize and call number G, L and M monographs, South Asian and Southeast Asian collections.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please don’t hesitate to contact our circulation staff for any urgent requests.

Retell | Rethink | Recover

Event LogoUBC Library will be hosting an exhibition and one-day conference to commemorate the March 11 disasters in Japan. Click here for detailed information.

Exhibition | February 20 – April 30, 2012
Rare Books and Special Collections, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
retelling the history of the areas affected by the disasters

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Foyer
rethinking social media & the use of nuclear power

Asian Library
recovery in Japan and its ties to Canada

3.11 Portrait Project | February 20 – April 30, 2012
Ike’s Café, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
featuring picture portraits of survivors
sponsored by The Japan Foundation & Shiseido

Conference | Saturday, March 10, 2012
10am – 4pm
Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
students, faculty, alumni & community members
share their experiences & insight
co-sponsored by UBC Asian Studies Department
e-mail to register: retell-rethink-recover[at]interchange.ubc.ca
schedule is available via the wiki, or download ConferenceSchedule_Rev20120229

Head Tax Database Workshop – Sun Woy

The mapping of geographic names recorded in the head tax database was launched in the fall of 2008 by the Asian Library.  It took 20 rounds of community–based meetings with Taishanese and Zhongshanese-speaking participants to match the towns and villages of origin reported by 90% of immigrants from these two counties with the geographical names in Chinese scripts.  The results were released in May 2010 at the “Workshop on the Taishan and Zhongshan Immigrants in North America”.

The workshop inspired Rudy Chiang, one of the workshop participants to match the towns and villages of Sun Woy (Xinhui 新會) District found in the Head Tax database.  Out of the 13,000 immigrants from Sun Woy, he successfully matched more than 7,100.  On January 26th, Thursday, the Asian Library organized a workshop to celebrate Rudy’s research findings and his hard work in recapitulating the early Chinese Canadian history. Click here for Rudy’s Powerpoint presentation.

When more resources are available, mapping should also be conducted for Kaiping (開平), Panyu (番禺), Enping (恩平) and Heshan (鶴山), the remaining major sending counties. For more information on this project, please click here or contact Asian Library.


Asian Library orientation video is now on YouTube!



The 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Chinese Revolution Exhibition

1911 Revolution ExhibitionDate: October 8-10, 2011 (Saturday to Monday)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Place: David Lam Auditorium, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver (50 East Pender Street)

This exhibition is jointly organized by the Chinese Numismatic & Philatelic Society, Chinese Industrial and Trade Council of Canada and the National Congress of Canadians to celebrate the Centennial of the great Xinhai Revolution. UBC Asian Library is one of the supporting organizations. For more information, please call 604-278-0321.

溫哥華紀念辛亥革命百年主題展: 華僑為革命之母 真品真跡展

地點:大溫哥華中華文化中心林思齊禮堂 (片打東街50號)

此展覽由加拿大中華郵幣學會, 加中工貿理事會及全加華人聯會聯合主辦, 卑詩大學亞洲圖書館為支持機構之一. 查詢請電 604-278-0321

展品簡介 | 明報報導


Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture – Leung Ping-Kwan

Wat Lecture 2011The Department of Asian Studies is pleased to invite you to attend the 2011-12 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture and its associated activities.

Transformative Identities: Literary Adaptation and Cultural Negotiation in Hong Kong Cinema of the 1950s
Leung Ping-Kwan
Chair Professor of Comparative Literature, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Wednesday, October 5, 7-9pm (reception starts 6pm)
Auditorium, Asian Centre


Research Seminar: “The Second Writing Career of Eileen Chang”
Monday, October 3, 4-6pm, Room 604 Asian Centre

October Harvest: Chinese and English Poetry Recital (Oct 6)
Thursday, October 6, 3-5pm, Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

Workshop: “Intersecting Critical & Creative Practices in Academia”
Friday, October 7, 3-5:30pm, Room 2200, Harbour Centre, SFU

For more details, please visit http://www.asia.ubc.ca/watlecture/2011leung.

Mingle @ Asian Library

Mingle @ Asian LibraryCome and join us on September 28th in our 2011 orientation event! In a relaxed atmosphere, grab a cup of coffee, chat with our friendly librarians on anything you want to know about the Library.  You can also check out the new look of our website and our first orientation video.  If you think you know Asian Library pretty well already, challenge yourself with the library games and you will win a prize! So drop by anytime between 3:00 and 6:00pm and say hi to us!

Works by Chinese American Writers

The Asian Library is happy to announce that we recently received a donation of 67 Chinese titles of monographs from the Society for Chinese Canadian Literature Studies (加拿大華人文學學會).  All are works written by Chinese American writers, including Huang Helang (黃河浪), Lin Tingting (林婷婷), Li Yan (李彥), Zeng Xiaowen (曾曉文)…etc .  Some of them are now on display at the Asian Centre entrance.  The books will be processed and available for circulating in the near future.

Jia de xi feng

嫁得西风 / 李彦

WCILCOS 2012 Conference: Chinese Through the Americas

University of British Columbia’s Asian Library is pleased to announce that, in cooperation with the Ohio University Libraries, it will host the 5th WCILCOS International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies on Chinese through the Americas. The event will be held May 16th to 19th, 2012 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

The conference now seeks roundtable, panel and paper proposals as well as poster presentations. Please visit http://wcilcos.library.ubc.ca for details.

Mourning Mr Anthony Hardy

The UBC Library Human Resources has the following announcement:

“Anthony Hardy passed away at his home today, May 25, 2011.
Anthony, originally from Indonesia, completed his Master’s degree in Library Sciences from the University of Indonesia. He worked as deputy head of the central library of the Atma Jaya Catholic University in Jakarta before deciding to relocate to Canada. In November 1990, Anthony joined the UBC Library as Indonesian language Bibliographer in the Asian Library; a position he held to the present date.

On behalf of all of us at UBC Library, we extend our deepest sympathies to Anthony’s wife, his children and extended family members. He will be remembered fondly and missed.”

New Westminster Multicultural Festival (May 21)

UBC Asian Library and the CHRP program will join the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society (VAHMS) this Saturday (May 21) at the New Westminster Multicultural Festival.

From 12 noon to 5:30pm, visit our booths at the Fraser River Discovery Centre, say hi to our friendly Indic Librarian and Chinese Language Community Archivist, or watch a few educational short films at the theater.   Learn more about the Asian heritage and culture through the interactive games and demonstrations.  You’ll also find music performances, fashion shows and other fun proprams  at the River Market and Hyack Square.  For more information, please visit VAHMS website at http://vahms.org/2011/04/new-westminster-multicultural-festival/

Where Did the Immigrants Actually Come From?

UBC Asian Library, in collaboration with the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives remounts the exhibit “Where Did the Immigrants Actually Come From?” This exhibit was first shown in the Asian Library in 2010 followed by a two-year project on mapping the villages and towns recorded in the Head Tax database.

The very idiosyncratic dialects of the immigrants from a myriad of villages and towns of southern Guangdong left behind a pool of sometimes indecipherable documentation of their roots. The inadequacies of custom personnel to accurately capture and document the villages and towns of origin in verbatim form culminated in a host of Romanized forms for reported places.  As a result, research based on the place of origin has been rendered fuzzy and inaccurate. Since 2008, Asian Library has organized 20 rounds of community-based meetings with Taishanese / Zhongshanese-speaking participants to match the towns and villages of origin reported by 90% of the immigrants with the original geographical names in Chinese scripts.

The exhibit is now on until July 3rd, Tuesday to Sunday daily 11am-5pm at the Chinese Culture Centre Museum in Chinatown (555 Columbia Street, Vancouver).

Click here for the detailed description of the project and the Head Tax database.

Asian Library Summer Hours (Apr 28- Sept 2, 2011)

Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & holidays
Visit here for UBC Library open hours

Film on the making of Asian Centre now in cIRcle

The Consulate General of Japan recently made us aware of a short film entitled “The Big Idea“, which looks at Dr. Iida’s proposal to transport the roof of the Sanyo Pavilion (at the 1970 Osaka Expo) to UBC to create the Asian Centre. The film includes footage from the Osaka Expo, as well as UBC Campus at the time. UBC Archives has now digitized this film and has made it available through cIRcle. Please click on the following link to get to the item page, and then select “view in browser” (under files in this item) to quickly open and view the film.

Easter Open Hours

Asian Library open hours during the Easter weekend
(April 22-25):

Friday:  closed
Saturday: 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm
Sunday: closed
Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Visit www.library.ubc.ca for branch hours.

Asian Library Open House 2011: Spring Book Sale

Spring is back, so is our popular annual book sale! As the part II of Asian Library Open House 2011, this book sale carries new, used, and hard-to-find books and magazines in different Asian languages (mainly Chinese and Korean) and some in English.  Prices range from 10 cents to $5 but most of them are 50 cents only!   You should find books you like!  Bring a tote bag with you.  ALL ITEMS CASH and CARRY.

Same day at Asian Centre:

IDENTIVERSE: Group Exhibition of UBC 3rd Year Painting & 4th Year Art Theory – Some of the exhibit shown in our Open House Part I continues to be on display on the upper floor of the Library.

Vancouver Mokuyokai’s 27th Annual Ohanami
(Cherry Blossom Viewing Festival)

Celebrate spring under the cherry blossoms with a tea ceremony, garden tour, haiku writing, kamishibai (Japanese storytelling), origami, yukata-dressing, Japanese food and traditional music at UBC Nitobe Garden, an authentic Japanese garden illuminated by lantern-light for this special event. At 6pm, ring the Pacific Bell outside UBC Asian Centre and send your prayers to those affected by Japan earthquake. For details please visit Vancouver Mokuyokai Society’s website.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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