The Meiji at 150 Project

The 2017-2018 Academic Year sees the 150th anniversary of Japan’s 1868 Meiji Restoration, an epochal political revolution that sparked Japan’s remarkable modernization, dramatic cultural transformation, and rapid emergence onto the global stage.

At UBC, the Asian Library is working together with the Centre for Japanese Research, the Department of History, and the Department of Asian Studies to present a year-long series of events convening scholars of Japan from around North America to interrogate Japan’s position in global history along with the place of the Meiji Restoration in Japanese historical pedagogy. The Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource aims to promote UBC Library’s Japan-related collections held at Rare Books and Special Collections. Please contact the Japanese language librarian, Naoko Kato ( if interested in finding out more about the library’s Japanese collections.

To learn more about this project as well as the details of the upcoming workshops and lectures, please visit or email

UBC Library Japanese-Canadian Photograph Collection


UBC Library Tairiku Nippo (Continental Daily News) Digital Archive



New Books at the Asian Library (Nov 30, 2017)


PL2872 F364 W36 2016
望春风 / 格非著

PL2892.5 A69 E77 2016
二十六篇 : 和青年朋友谈心 / 钱理群著

PL2932 A634 B35 2016
百年童话 = Life magic / 曹建伟作品

PL2947.5 L773265 W67 2016
我所理解的世界 = The world comprehend / 闾丘露薇著

PL2951.5 Y8 R87 2017
入诗為安 : 一首不可能譯成任何文字的詩 / 歐陽昱著

PL3748 P35 T35125 2016
塔洛 / 万玛才旦著

PZ10.831 Z4362 Xd 2016
小饼干和围裙妈妈. 第一次分开睡 / 郑春华著 ; 阿茄绘

PZ10.831 C4269 Gg 2017 v.1
故宮里的大怪兽 / 常怡箸


DS913.392 C53 C523 2017 v.1-3
正祖 殯殿 魂殿 都監 儀軌

DS913.392 C53 C524 2017
正祖 祔廟 都監 儀軌

DS924 K96 Y545 2017 v.1
고지도 를 통해 본 경상 지명 연구 / 기획, 편집 고문헌과 ; 글 이 기봉

HV6295 J3 C467 2016
조선·대만 특별 요시찰인 약식 명부 / 국가 보훈처 ; [장 신 번역 및 해제 ; 방 광석 감수]

PL989.72 N35 2017
恩坡 散稿 / 沈 樂洙

PL991.74 C5 2017 v.1-4
미당 서 정주 전집. 8-11, 산문 / 지은이 서 정주


DS868.2 U53 2016
川中島合戦 : 戦略で分析する古戦史 / 海上知明

Explore the Asian Library’s New Chinese DVD titles

Asian Library has recently acquired over 60 Chinese DVDs from the following series: “A Century of Chinese classic movies” (中国电影百年经典) and “Follow me in Chinese” (跟我学汉语).  Most of them were originally produced from 1950s to 1990s and have both English and Chinese subtitles.  Listed below are some of the examples. Please come and browse these new titles at our audiovisual section, or look for titles via the UBC Library catalogue.

PN1997 .B103 2006
巴山夜雨 = Evening Rain / 导演 吴贻弓 Wu Yigong, film director / 1980

PN1997 .C6648 2008
从奴隶到将军 = From slave to general / 导演 王焱 Wang Miao, film director / 1979

PN1997 .D268 2007
戴勋章的走私犯 = Medal for a smuggler / 导演 潘培成 朱鼎玉 Pan Peicheng, Zhu Dingyu, film director / 1988

PN1997 .D893 2003
渡江侦察记 = Reconnaissance across the Yangtze / 导演汤晓丹 Yang Xiaodan, film director / 1954

PN1997 .G867 2007
锅碗瓢盆交响曲 = Symphony of cooking utensils / 导演 腾文骥 Teng Wenji, film director / 1983

PN1997 .H8563 2005
火红的年代 = Fiery years / 导演 傅超武 孙永平 俞仲英 Fu Chaowu, Sun Yongping, Yu Zhongying, film director / 1973

PN1997 .L6819 2005
龍鬚溝 = Dragon Beard Ditch /  編導 冼群 Xian Qun, film director / 1952

PN1997 .M366 2005
芒果之歌 = Song of Mango / 导演 常彦 张普人 Chang Yan, Zhang Puren, film director / 1976

PN1997 .Q323 2005
青春万岁 = Forever young / 导演 黄蜀芹 Huang Shuqin, film director / 1983

PN1997 .R463 2003
人生 = Life / 导演 吴天明 Wu Tianming, film director / 1984

PN1997 .T5183 2005
天雲山传奇 / 导演 谢晋 Xie Jin, film director / 1980

PN1997 Y3636 2002
摇啊摇, 摇到外婆桥 = Shanghai triad / 导演 张艺谋 Zhang Yimou, film director / 1994

PN1997 .Y46495 2003
英雄儿女 = Heroic sons and daughters / 导演 武兆堤 Wu Zhaodi, film director / 1964

PN1997.2 .G86 2003
过年回家 = Seventeen years / 导演 张元 Zhang Yuan, film director / 1999

New Books at the Asian Library (Nov 15, 2017)


DS731.K6 K356 2017
간도 의 기억 : 일본 제국 의 대륙 침략 과 조선인 의 항쟁 / 엮은이 박 환

DS915.572 H68 2017 v.1-9
영상, 역사 를 비추다 : 한국 현대사 영상 자료 해제집 / 허 은 편

G2334.S478 Y48 2017
옛 서울 지도 = Maps of old Seoul / 총괄 송 인호, 박 현욱 ; 기획 허 대영, 강 해은, 송 지현 ; 논고 전 우용 ; 유물 촬영 최 인호, 김 민정, 안 남현

PL915.4 .K95 2017
한국어 발음 교육론 / 저자 권 성미

PL992.29.S6 Z46 2017 V.1-2
수인 = The prisoner / 황 석영 자전

PL994.18.C455 H32 2017
해 가 지는 곳 으로 / 최 진영 장편 소설

PN1992.77.A1 H365 2017
한국 방송 작가상 2016 제 29회 수상 작품집 / 한국 방송 작가 협회 편


B5234.R464 Y66 2016
永远的怀念 : 任继愈先生百年诞辰纪念文集 / 国家图书馆编.

DS734.7 .C48117 2017
陈乐素史学文存 / 陈乐素著 ; 陈智超编

DS736 L52793 2016 v.1-2
哇, 历史原来可以这样学 / 林欣浩著

ML336.2 W356 2015
欢娱的巅峰 : 唐代教坊考 / (加拿大)王立著

PL2695 Z5 L5553 2016
并世双星 : 汤显祖与莎士比亚 / 李建军著

PL2840 J536 A6 2015 v.1-2
陈剑雨文集 / 陈剑雨著

PL2951.5 Y8 T3 2017
她 : 一部關於小說的小說 / 歐陽昱著

UBC Day of Learning Event Recap

UBC’s Day of Learning took place on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. The event marked the 75th anniversary of Japanese-Canadian internment and the 5th anniversary of the UBC Honorary Degree Ceremony for the 76 Japanese Canadian students expelled in 1942.

The day-long event was comprised of four sessions, and the Asian Library had the privilege to be a co-organizer for the afternoon workshop entitled “Stories on Organizing Against Injustice.” We had six Japanese-Canadian community members who shared their lived experiences in small group settings. There were approximately 60 participants including UBC students, alumni, faculty members, staff, and community members. The participants commented on how unique this opportunity was, to be able to engage in inter-generational conversations.

The UBC Day of Learning was made possible with the support of different units across UBC and community partners. Check out the video recordings of the other three workshops at the Day of Learning website.

New Books at the Asian Library (Oct 31, 2017)


CD6177 W354 2016
民国公务印章图说 / 翟玉霞主编 ; 王俊明著

DS777.5314 Z468 2016
战殇 : 国民革命军抗战将士口述实录 / 周渝著

N7345 X8 2016
非艺术 : 国际视野下的中国当代艺术 / 徐琛著

PL2754 S5 Z594693 2016
灯火 : 鲁迅与文艺 / 上海鲁迅纪念馆编

PL2849 U64 B39 2016
八月蝴蝶黄 : 裘山山短篇小说选 / 裘山山著

PL2931.5 I24 J84 20164
绝响 / 畀愚著

PL2947.5 U7758 N36 2016
南城无故人 / 落清著


B5251 C464 2016
한국 현대 철학 : 그 주제적 지형도 / 정 대현 지음

DS910.2 J3 C435 2016
전후 한일 관계 70년 : 우리 는 어떻게 갈등 을 극복 해 왔나? / 최 희식

DS922.42 K58 K56 2016
김 영삼 평전 / 김 삼웅 지음

G1030 B627 2016
역사 지도집의 개념과 제작 방법론 / 피터 볼 (Peter Bol) 외 16 인 지음

JQ1727 Y473 2016
한국 의정사 30년 : 제헌 에서 10대 까지 / 이 형 지음

PL935.5 P335 2016
한국 자전 의 해제 와 목록 / 박 형익.

PL976.7 A17 2016
제 16회 미당 문학상 수상 작품집 : 유리 의 존재 / 김 행숙

PL992.9 C414 S56 2016
신화 의 시대 / 지은이 이 청준

PN1993.5 K6 Y444 2016
소리 의 정치 : 식민지 조선 의 극장 과 제국 의 관객 / 이 화진 지음

Z42.4 K6 P35 2016
고문서 의 서명 과 인장 / 박 준호

New Books at the Asian Library (Oct 16, 2017)


PK2099.32 A83 V37 2016
Vāṭsa epa para kṛāṇti : kahānī-saṅgraha / Anurāga Pāṭhaka

PK2099.34 S64 W43 2016
Whatsapp: riśte-nātoṃ kī kahāniyām̐ / Raśmi

PK2199 H338 A54 2016
Kālī salavāra aura aṇya kahāniyām̐ / Saādata Hasana Maṇto.

PK2199 H338 Z46 2016
Saādata Hasena Manṭo kī kahāniyām̐ / sampādaka, Narendra Mohana


DS916.27 C453 2016
식민지 역사 바로 보기 / 崔 吉城.

HD8728.5 K6 Y53 2017
사지 를 넘어 귀향 까지 : 일제 강제 징용 수기 / 이 상업 지음 ; 근로 정신대 할머니 와 함께 하는 시민 모임, 전남 일보 기획.

HM1271 K555 2016
한국 속 타인, 타국 속 한인 : 포스트 디아스포라 시대 민속학 패러다임 의 변화 / 김 면 지음.

ND1366.9 P36 2017
한국 의 팔경도 = The eight views of Korea / 박 해훈.

PN1995.65 K6 H36 2016
한국 영화 역사 속 검열 제도 / 한국 영상 자료원 엮음.


DS775.8 L537 2016
民国外交 : 亲历者口述实录 / 李振广编著.

DS776 P36 2016
写不完的纯粹 : 他们改变了晚清民国史 / 潘竞贤著

PL2263 Z368 2016
语言的張力 : 中國古代文學的語言學批評論集 / 周裕鍇著

PL2303 S45 2016
第二媒介时代的文学景观 : “80后”写作现象研究 / 石培龙著

PN1995.9 A74 G664 2016
梦中集 / 宮林著


DS832.7 C5 S56 2017
在日華僑華人の現代社会学 : 越境者たちのライフ・ヒストリー / 鍾家新著

DS888.2 H6757 2016
ナショナリズムの昭和 / 保阪正康.

HC461.5 Y295 Y36 2016
山田寅次郎宗有 : 民間外交官・実業家・茶道家元 / 山田寅次郎研究会編 ; ワタリウム美術館.

PN1993.5 J3 K365 2016
完全版アナーキー日本映画史, 1959-2016

PN1995.9 M6 M67 2016
怪獣から読む戦後ポピュラー・カルチャー : 特撮映画・SF ジャンル形成史 / 森下達

Art Exhibition: Trauma, Memory, and the Story of Canada

Date: September 30December 3, 2017
Location: Asian Centre (1871 West Mall) (map)
Hours: Asian Library open hours (see hours)

Visit the art exhibition “Canada at 150+: Trauma, Memory and the Story of Canada” presented by the South Asian Canadian Histories Association from now until early December at UBC, and in the Punjabi Market (6500 block of Main Street, Vancouver). 

Two works for the exhibition will be on view at the Asian Centre foyer and the upper floor of the Asian Library: Pouf, Sausage, Weight, Arc (2017) by Sameer Farooq  and How This Will End (2017) by Umesh M.S.

Other artists taking part in this exhibition include Vikky Alexander, Sonny Assu, Jason Baerg, and Hyung-Min Yoon. For more information, please visit the SACHA website at

New Books at the Asian Library (Sep 29, 2017)


PK2099.32 A83 V37 2016
Vāṭsa epa para kṛāṇti : kahānī-saṅgraha / Anurāga Pāṭhaka

PK2099.34 S64 W43 2016
Whatsapp: riśte-nātoṃ kī kahāniyām̐ / Raśmi


BL2230 Y525 2016
한국 신화 와 문화 / 이 병찬

DS916.5 Y53 O27 2016
대한 민국 임시 정부 의 정신적 지주 이 동녕 / 한국 독립 운동사 연구소 기획 ; 오 대록 지음

DS923.25 W53 2016
위대한 한국민, 전진 하는 역사 / 이 장희, 정 영일, 김 준형, 정 진백 편

HX948 O234 2016
일제 하 한국 아나키즘 소사전

PL908.8 Y37 2016
한국어 어문 규범 연구

PL931 C38 2016
말 맛 을 더하고 글 맛 을 깨우는 우리 말 어원 이야기 / 조 항범 지음

PL958.6 K4354 2016
풍화 와 기억 : 일제 말 친일 협력 문학 의 재해석

PN1998.3 C437 M64 2016
뫼비우스 장 진영, 그 참을 수 없는 그리움 / 정 민아 외 지음


D810 C698 K576 2017
「慰安婦」問題の言說空間 : 日本人「慰安婦」の不可視化と現前 / 木下直子

DS869 N36 M6 2016
南部信直 : 戦国の北奥羽を制した計略家 / 森嘉兵衛

DS889.15 H384 2016
田中角栄と中曽根康弘 : 戦後保守が裁く安倍政治 / 早野透, 松田喬和

GB471 K35 2017
島嶼学への誘い : 沖縄からみる「島」の社会経済学 / 嘉数啓

NC1709 T48 M56 2016
回想私の手塚治虫 : 「週刊漫画サンデー」初代編集長が明かす、大人向け手塚マンガの裏舞台 / 峯島正行

PL728.174 I144 2016
萬葉集訓読の資料と方法 / 池原陽斉

PL856 U673 K57 2017 V.1-2
騎士団長殺し / 村上春樹 

PN1997 A837 S43 2017
「新しき土」の真実 : 戦前日本の映画輸出と狂乱の時代 / 瀬川裕司


DS755 H837 2016
晚清最后十八年 : 从甲午战争到辛亥革命 / 黄治军著

DS774 W3735 2016 v.1-2
民国逸史 / 王习耕编著

DS777.53 X543 2016
解读抗日战争 / 姜廷玉主编

HN742 X8 2016
广告呈现与传播中的近代澳门社会 : 基于《澳门宪报》中文广告的研究 / 徐莉莉著

N7485 C6 C446 2016
凸思集 : 艺海踏浪 / 陈昌友著

PL2262 L529 2016
梁羽生妙评民国诗词 / 梁羽生著

PL2419 A87 S45 2016
悦读的艺术 : 中国小说读者学片面观 / 石钟扬, 郭春萍著

PL3031 T32 A168 2016
2016 台灣文學獎得獎作品集 / 國立台灣文學館編印

Celebrate DIWALI with the Asian Library

Join the Asian Library to celebrate Diwali (Festival of Lights)!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Asian Centre Auditorium, 1871 West Mall

Diwali or Deepavali, which means “a row of lights”, is the most widely celebrated annual Indian festival. It marks the victory of good over evil, and the beginning of the New Year in India. Diwali takes place at the end of October or the first week of November, and is celebrated on Amavasya (darkest night or no moon day). The festival typically lasts from 5 to 7 days, and the first day marks the beginning of the fiscal year. It is enjoyed by the majority of Indians regardless of faith, including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists. On Diwali, people decorate their houses with candles and colorful lights, and also share their gifts and recite prayers.

Everyone is cordially invited to experience diversity of culture through music, Henna, and delicious refreshments. All Diwali activities are drop-in, free and open to UBC students, staff and faculty.

For more information, please call 604-822-2427 or visit us in person at the Asian Library at UBC Asian Centre.

From Wenzhou to Vancouver, From Yale to Oxford: Journey of Knowledge Archaeology of a Freelance Writer

With speaker SHEN Jia (沈迦)

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Time: 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Venue: Asian Centre Auditorium, 1871 West Mall
Language: Mandarin



In the old quarter of Wenzhou, a well-known city for its commodity economy in Zhejiang Province, stands a Christian church built about one century ago. However, the name of the builder and his contribution to the city’s modernity were intentionally or unintentionally buried in sudden and perplexing changes of history. Mr. Shen Jia went to this church with his grandmother in his childhood. He majored in Journalism when he was a college student. After graduating, he worked as a journalist, editor, and entrepreneur. He immigrated to Canada and settled down in Vancouver more than ten years ago. Using the abundant collection on modern Chinese history in UBC Asian Library, Shen started writing on his childhood memories in his hometown. His work is based on archival research, fieldwork, interviews, and six years’ of endeavors in Asia, Europe and America. Drawing from the methodology of knowledge archaeology, he brought to life the magnificent story of this British missionary, William Edward Soothill, and his relationship with modern Chinese history.

Written in Vancouver, Seeking Soothill 《寻找·苏慧廉》was published in Taiwan, and then in mainland China in 2013, and became popular immediately. It was praised as one of “the Best Ten Books of the Year” in China and was adapted as a documentary under the same title by Phoenix Satellite Television.

UBC Day of Learning

New Books at the Asian Library (Sep 14, 2017)


BQ4475 M682 2016
いまを生きる江戶思想 : 十七世紀における仏教批判と死生観 / 本村昌文

DS889 S8542 2016
なつかしの昭和時代 / 写真・文鈴木育男

HV555 J3 H55 2017
東日本大震災と<復興>の生活記錄/ 吉原直樹, 似田貝香門, 松本行真編著

N7359 F825 A4 2016
ひかり埃のきみ : 美術と回文 / 福田尚代.

PL726.55 H5 2016
文学の歴史をどう書き直すのか : 二〇世紀日本の小說・空間・メディア / 日比嘉高

PL822 K294 Z55 2016
幾世の底より : 評伝・明石海人 / 荒波力


DS774 Z436 2016
喋血枭雄 : 改变历史的民国大案 / 张耀杰著

HN733.5 L58 2016
直言 : 1978-2012中国话语 / 刘青松编著

HV580 C63 M5 2016
弥足珍贵的红十字文化遗产 : 《中国红十字会常熟分会民国廿一年纪念册》整理与研究 / 顾丽华, 池子华主编 ; 常熟市红十字会, 红十字运动研究中心编.

PE1106 S44 2016
英语在中国本土化的百年历程 / 沈艳蕾, 张艳, 贺业明著

PL2842 H732 Z46 2016
假话全不说, 真话不全说 : 季羡林口述史 / 季羡林口述 ; 蔡德贵整理.

PL2919 J56 Z95 2016
中国科幻的思想者 : 王晋康科幻创作研究文集 / 王卫英主编


BX9225 K555 K63 2016
김 재준 과 개신교 민주화 운동 의 기원 / 고 지수 지음

DS922.35 H36965 2016
한국 의 민주화 와 민주화 운동 : 성공 과 좌절

ND1069 N3 N327 2016
나 혜석 을 말 한다 : 나 혜석 관련 자료 모음 / 나 혜석 학회 엮음

PL931 K562 2016
우리 말 의 고향 / 김 두년 씀

PL992.19 S35 Z67 2016
무욕 과 자유 의 사이 : 천 상병 의 시 연구 / 정 유선 지음

Welcoming AAPS members to the Asian Centre and Asian Library

This summer the Asian Library offered two tours to the members of the Association of Administrative & Professional Staff (AAPS), the professional association for the Management and Professional (M&P) staff group at UBC.

The tours took place on July 6 and August 29 with a total of 30 M&P Staff from 18 departments attended.  Phoebe Chow, Program Services Assistant, first told the story of the Asian Centre building, focusing on its huge, pyramid-shaped roof that was originally made for the Sanyo Pavilion during Expo ’70 in Osaka, Japan. The participants then followed Naoko Kato, Japanese Language Librarian, and Lucia Park, Korean Language Librarian, to explore all three levels of the library. Participants were particularly interested in the Asian language learning materials as well as the collections with traditional Asian bookbinding. Finally, participants toured the outdoor area, including the Pacific Bell tower.

As part of the AAPS Summer Networking Series, these lunch and learns tours provided an exciting opportunity for members to get to know the campus and its resources better. We wish to see more staff visiting the Asian Centre and the Asian Library in the future!




















New Books at the Asian Library (Aug 30, 2017)


B127 C65 H858 2016
“无为”与”治道” : 后儒学视域内的”无为” / 黄煌著

DS776 C4426 2016
民国政要最后的”全家福” / 陈宁骏, 欣辰编著

HD9711 C5 T36 2016
寻找梦想的边疆 : 中国航空1934-1942的烽火岁月 / 谭立威著

HQ684 W333 2016
自由的维度 : 近代中国婚姻文化的嬗变 (1860-1930) / 王栋亮著

LB2376.6 C6 Z68 2016
民国时期的留洋文人 / 邹雨青著

NC1699 F4 C44 2016
幾人相憶在江樓 : 豐子愷的抒情漫畫 / 陳星, 朱曉江編著

PL2443 Y35 2016
20 世纪中国乡土的浪漫书写 / 杨姿著

PN1119 C5 X8 2016
追寻诗歌的黄金时代 / 徐鲁著


DS903 C42959 2016 v.1-10
우리 문화재 수난 일지 / 정 규홍 지음

DS935 A76 2016 v.1-5
북한 현대사 산책 / 안 문석 지음

PL914.6 E55 K86 2016
국민 한국어 = Kookmin Korean / 편집인 국민 대학교 국제 교육원 ; 집필진 정 연희, 박 근영, 백 인선, 최 수현, 윤 보은 (v.1-2)

PL927 C44 2016
나 를 넘어 세상 을 바꾸는 다산 의 글쓰기 전략 / 최 효준 지음

PL991.9 H9 2016 v.1-6
이 효석 전집 / 이 효석 문학 재단 엮음

PN1992.77 A1 H365 2016
한국 방송 작가상 2015 제 28회 수상 작품집 / 한국 방송 작가 협회 편

WB50 JK6 N34 2016
내 가 지금 한의원 에 가야 하는 이유 : 대한 민국 한의학 명의 가 알려 주는 23가지 질병 과 그 해답 / 매일 경제 TV <건강 한의사> 지음 ; 최 정은

WZ70 JK6 S6 2016
經驗方 국역 상한 경험방 / 소백누인 지음 ; 박 상영, 오 준호 번역


BL2225 A1 N35 2017
47都道府県・寺社信仰百科 / 中山和久著

DS806.3 S226 2016
日本城郭史 / 齋藤慎一, 向井一雄著

DS894.79 Y3465 K555 2016
吉川広家 / 光成準治編著

HG1552 K54 N36 2017
植民地期台湾の銀行家・木村匡 / 波形昭一

JV8721 J46 2016
移民ビブリオグラフィー : 書誌でみる北米移民研究 / 神繁司著

ND1059 I96 I898 2017
岩佐又兵衛 : 浮世絵の開祖が描いた奇想

PL687 A1 S55 2016
新日本言語地図 : 分布図で見渡す方言の世界 / 大西拓一郎編

PL856 U673 Z7827 2017
村上春樹とスペイン / 小阪知弘

New Books at the Asian Library (Aug 15, 2017)


BQ962 U537 C3565 2016
李叔同 : 在爱和自由中行走 / 粲金居士著

DS777.533 M3 S86 2016
1937 : 万里猎影记 / 孙明经著

ND1049 Z3 A35 2016
赵无极中国讲学笔录 / 孙建平編

PL2947 C59 A6 2016b
人和吞食者 : 刘慈欣最具代表中短篇小说集 / 刘慈欣著

Z1003.5 C6 W45 2016
淘书路上 : 韦泱淘书札记精选 / 韦泱著


BF1868 K6 C464 2016
新 역 의 향기 : 쉽고 정확 한 통변 / 정 숙정 지음

DS904 T624 2016
국보, 역사 로 읽고 보다 / 도 재기 지음

ND1063.4 K52 2016
인물 로 보는 한국 미술사 / 김 성진 엮음 (v.1-3)

PL966.2 C46 2016
조선 후기 의 일기 문학 = A study on diary literature in the late Chosun dynasty / 정 우봉 지음

WB55 K6 Y35 2016
일차 진료 한의사 를 위한 보험 한약 입문 / 이 준우 지음


PK2098 S2324 C55 2016
Cheelen : stories / by Bhishma Sahni

PK2098.32 A484 A67 2016
Antheen talash / novel by Karuna Pande

PK2659 B44616 C86 2016
Chup di awaaz / by Kanwal Bhatti

PK2659 C232 P37 2016
Parian sang parwaaz / stories by Harkirat Kaur Chahal

PK2659 F333 K53 2016
Khasma noo khane / by Balwinder Singh Fatehpuri

New Books at the Asian Library (July 28, 2017)


DS832 A6428 2016
アイヌの遺骨はコタンの土へ : 北大に対する遺骨返還請求と先住権 / 北大開示文書研究会

DS868.2 H37 2016
戦国武将英雄譚の誕生 / 橋本章

NX584 A1 H54 2016
反覆 : 新興芸術の位相 / 彦坂尚嘉

PL579 K36 2016
数の漢字の起源辞典 / 加納喜光

PL726.57 N288 S892 2016
文学に描かれた大震災 : 鎮魂と希求 / 鈴木斌

PN1998.3 M577 O45 2016
宮崎駿の「半径 300メートル」と「風立ちぬ」 / 荻原真



DS734 T284 2016
歷史課本沒寫出的隱情 : 那些帝王將相才子的苦痛 / 譚健鍬

DS785 Y36 2016
进军西藏日志 : 1950-1951 / 杨一真整理

PL2302 H72125 2016
黑暗的閘門 : 中國左翼文學運動研究 / 夏濟安

PL2419 S34 Z46 2016
中国科幻文学再出发 / 李广益

PL2905 N2575 E74 2016
二二八的原住民 / 孫啟元

PL2947 R85 R45 2016
人性密碼678914 / 劉銳紹



B5254 C564 C438 2016
年譜 로 본 茶山 丁 若鏞 : 샅샅이 파헤친 그 의 삶 / 조 성을

CT3710 L59164 2016
열녀전 : 여성 의 삶 을 말 하다 / 유 향 지음 ; 김 지선 옮김

DS902.4 Y5176 2016
천년 의 길 / 이 기봉 지음

DS916.58 T6 C46 2016
덕혜 옹주 : 눈물 의 일기 / 지은이 정 지현

ND1069 S5 S57 2016
신 사임당, 그녀 를 위한 변명 : 시대 와 권력 이 만들어낸 신 사임당 의 이미지 변천사

Cultural China Art exhibition

Date: July 28 – August 2, 2017
Location: Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall) (map)
Hours: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Opening Ceremony: Friday, July 28 1:30 pm

In recognition of Canada’s 150th anniversary, Asian Library and the Culture Regeneration Research Society (CRRS) will co-host an art exhibition featuring three artists from Hong Kong and local community: Eddy Kwan-Lap Chan, Ella Suen and Desheng Li.

Eddy Kwan-Lap Chan 陳君立

Chan was awarded Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts by Concordia University (Canada) and Master Degree of Fine Art by Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (Australia) in 1985 and 2006.  Honored with Chinese ink painting prizes by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Beijing International Ink & Wash Painting Institute and Foreign Culture Exchange Association of China, etc., his works are now in the collections of museums and art institutes both in Hong Kong and overseas. At present, Chan is a member of Consulting Committee of Federation of International Tsai-Mo Artists, Honorary President of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society, Consultant of Art of Creative Painting Association, and Modern Ink Painting part-time instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ella Suen 李慧嫻

Born in Hong Kong in 1939, Suen was raised in a traditional Chinese family and has great passion for art and painting. In 1968, she learnt her foundation skills in Chinese painting in New Asia College with Professors such as Johnson Su-sing Chow.  After residing in Canada in 1974, she continued her pursuit on Chinese painting and calligraphy with various distinguished teachers. Suen is currently a member of Chinese Canadian Artist Federation in Vancouver. She participated Vancouver’s Chinese Painting Annual Exhibition for many years. After publishing her personal art collection in 2012, she held her first solo exhibition in Hong Kong the same year and in Burnaby (Canada) in 2013; and in joint exhibitions every year till 2016.

Desheng Li 李德生

Li, aged 72, who was born in Beijing, is a writer, collector and calligrapher.  He is also a researcher of the Cultural Regeneration Research Society. He is expertized in oriental folklore studies and has published over 20 books in Canada, Japan, Taiwan and China.  Apart from researches, he practices as an instructor of calligraphy among the Chinese community centers for over 10 years where he had taught a bunch of students with flying colors, He also teaches in Richmond Arts Centre and CCM Canada.  Li is famous for the calligraphy of zhuan (篆 ) and li (隸).

To view some of the artworks and find out more information about this exhibit in Chinese, please visit the CRRS website.

New Books at the Asian Library (July 7, 2017)


B127 C49 Z47 2016
道家的氣化現象學 / 鍾振宇

DS779.29 H785 A25 2016 v.1-3
胡锦涛文选 / 胡锦涛著 ; 中共中央文献编辑委员会

DS779.49 X53 A25 2015
習近平用典 / 人民日報評論部

DS779.49 X53 X5238 2016
习马历史性会面: 全球评论与报道选辑 / 天大研究院编译

HF1604 W3758 2016
一帶一路 : 機遇與挑戰 = The belt and road / 王義桅著

PL2879 C5 Z758 2016
柳青研究文集 / 仵埂编

PL3031 T28 C454 2016
戰後臺灣詩史「反抗敘事」的建構 / 陳瀅州著

PL3032 Y4 Y365 2016
回归历史的现场 : 延安文学传播研究 (1935-1948) / 杨琳著

PN6119 C6 Z44 2016
新剧考证百出 / 赵骥校 ; 郑正秋著.

Z1029 J516 2016
吉光片羽 : 第五批國家珍貴古籍選粹 / 國家古籍保護中心辦公室編



BQ1138 G46 2016
現代仏教聖典 / 東京大学仏教青年会編

DS889 F825 2016
戦後史の決定的瞬間 : 写真家が見た激動の時代 / 藤原聡

DS897 O815 M33 2016
船場大阪を語りつぐ : 明治大正昭和の大阪人、ことばと暮らし / 前川佳子構成・文 ; 近江晴子監修

HV623 2011 F85 F83 2016
福島第一原発廃炉図鑑 / 開沼博編

JQ1631 Y338 2016
安倍晋三が〈日本〉を壊す : この国のかたちとは : 山口二郎対談集 / 山口二郎編

ND1059 N434 A4 2016

NE1326.5 G46 K69 2016
怖い浮世絵 / 著日野原健司, 渡邉晃 ; 監修太田記念美術館

PL726.57 T6 K36 2016
浅草文芸ハンドブック / 金井景子 著

PL1281 Z45 2016
こわくてゆかいな漢字 / 張莉

PN6790 J3 S243 2016
マンガ熱 : マンガ家の現場ではなにが起こっているのか / 斎藤宣彦

New Books at the Asian Library (Jun 29, 2017)


BL2232 S55164 2016

DS909.2 Y36 2015
한국 군사 역사 의 재발견 / 집필 양 영조, 백 기인, 심 헌용, 이 상호, 전 호수

DS913.2 Y64 2015
역사 저널 그날

LC54 K6 S52 2015
국역 서원 등록 / 박 선이, 송 수경 옮김

PL914.6 E5 N484 2015
News in Korean = 뉴스 로 한국어 공부하기

PL919.6 O348 2016
외국인 을 위한 한국어 문법 과 표현 = Korean grammar & expressions for foreigners


DS779.46 W25744 2016
中國股市深處的政經絞殺 / 王淨文, 季達著

HX71 X536 2016
晚清首部国人译介的社会主义著作的翻译史考察 / 鲜明著

JQ1509.5 C6 R464 2016
硝煙未散 : 當代中國反腐敗透析 / 任建明等著

PL2302 X526 2016
现代中国作家面面观 / 翟德耀主编

PL2303 Y2828 2016
以文学为志业 : “80后学人”三人谈 / 杨庆祥, 金理, 黄平著

PL3031 H652 F8 2016
浮雲與剃刀 : 字花十年選散文卷 / 鄧小樺編


DS890 N35 H38 2016
中曽根康弘 : 「大統領的首相」の軌跡 / 服部龍二著

NA7757 N34 2016
歴史家の城步き / 中井均, 齋藤慎一著

PL523 H297 2016
日本語の謎を解く : 最新言語学 Q&A / 橋本陽介著

PL794 Z5 N353 2016
西鶴を読む / 中村稔著

PL809 S5 Z6743 2016
啄木の手紙を読む / 池田功著

PN6790 J3 I839 2016
漫画は戦争を忘れない / 石子順著

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