An experimentalist Indo-Canadian writer – Ravinder Ravi

Ravinder Ravi is a well-known writer and poet who has more than 80 publications including the famous and well known Restless Soul. He has fully exploited fresh themes and techniques causing him to be the rightful winner of many awards including the Pride of Performance Award, the Fellowship Award, The Best Writer Award as well as the Amrita Pritam Memeorial International Award of Distinction. Ravinder has a unique and bold style and as Dr. Kohli says, he is truly “an experimentalist”.

From now through March 2010, come check out Ravinder Ravi’s collection displayed on the upper floor of Library.  For more information, please contact Sarbjit Randhawa, Indic Librarian, at 604-822-2162.

Cantonese Music: Where East meets West


Westernization has been a major process in Chinese music since the beginning of the 20th century, illustrated by the adoption of Western harmony, counterpoint and performance practices. Western elements have also influenced the design of instruments, introducing new sonorities to traditional texture.

Created by the Asian Library, this exhibit includes samples of hammer dulcimers, two-stringed fiddles, three-stringed lutes and a zither, along with scores. It’s believed that Steven Lee, who was an active member in Vancouver’s Chinese community in the 1940s and 1950s, collected these instruments.

You can visit the display, which is in the IKBLC Gallery located on 1961 East Mall [map], until December 7, 2009.

Asian Library joint digitization with FAMILYSEARCH, GSU, Utah

Digitization of Chinese Clan Association Publications



In collaboration with FAMILYSEARCH, Genealogical Society of Utah, USA

Field Supervisor, FamilySearch Imaging Services at work:
Aug 18th, 2009 –

Cataloguing Backlog Project

The Cataloguing Backlog Project that comprises 40,000 monographs in seven Asian Languages will begin in May 2009. Titles from special collections such as Jing Yi Zhai and Punjabi/Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu materials of the Shastic Program, that are never in the library catalogue will be prioritized for cataloguing, so are missing out titles of catalogued series. Please stay tuned for periodic progress reports from the language librarians.

Binding Backlog Project

The Binding Backlog Project will start in April 2009. A full time staff will be hired to help bind 6,000 Chinese, Japanese, Korean and South Asian serial back issues. Print issues which are available on-line in dependable and reputable databases that the library has been subscribing for more than three years will not be bound except for very rare circumstances that call for a duplicate copy. Please contact respective language librarians or Shaun Wang, Circulation Supervisor at for assistance.

Digitization of Ming Pao, Western Canada Edition

In collaboration with Ming Pao, the digitization of the “Community News” is launched, starting from its inception issue of October 15, 1993. To date, articles after January 2008 are available for searches, free-of-charge. Older archival issues are uploaded to the database weekly or at more frequent intervals.

Please click here to go to the database.

Here is a screen shot of the database’s home page:


UBC Asia Voila ! 2009

Come out to UBC’s beautiful northwest quadrant and enjoy some of the many Asia-related cultural resources on campus! to celebrate the Asian Heritage Month. This is the first-of-kind event in UBC which involves more than 10 University departments and units offering a one-day event to celebrate Asian Heritage Month.

Asia Voilà features traditional Asian dance and music performances, films, art and photo exhibitions, lectures on poetry chanting and calligraphy, guided library tours and workshops, an Asian languages round robin, a book sale, Nitobe Garden tours and more! Please visit the ASIA VOILA website for more info.

In Loving Memory of Professor Edgar Wickberg (1927-2008)

Edgar Wickberg, Professor Emeritus of the History Department at UBC, was a renowned scholar on China and Southeast Asia. He was also very much part of the history of the Asian Library, serving as a member of Asian Library’s Advisory Committee for 10 years from 1970 and offered valuable advice and guidance on collection development and services, especially on Chinese-Canadian studies even in his post-retirement years. We continued to receive his recommendations on books and journals last summer although his energy was already very much compromised by his failing health then.

Being extremely generous of his time and resources, he was very committed to assisting the library to fill the gaps in the collection by donating materials he collected at conferences and research trips. Although his key interests were Chinese Overseas in Southeast Asia and Canada, he amassed sizable bodies of valuable Chinese materials on the early Republican years and Chinese history in general.

In 2008, he made more donations to the library, which were combined with his earlier gifts to become a special legacy from this endearing scholar and teacher.

A display of his donations is set up on the upper floor of Asian Library from January 2009. To complement his materials, a few titles, relevant to the broad theme of Chinese-Canadians are also added to the display.

Related link: Edgar Wickberg memorial page

Display Honouring Master Toa Wong 梨園樂韻在卑詩

Cantonese Opera

Come check out “Cantonese Opera in British Columbia” (梨園樂韻在卑詩), a dynamic display created by Asian Library.  As part of the UBC Centennial Program, the display honours Master Toa Wong (黃滔師傅), who helped build and document the collection of Cantonese Opera costumes in UBC’s Museum of Anthropology (MOA).  This display is also part of the “Honouring Master Wong Toa” event (梨園拾趣: 表揚粵劇大師黃滔) on January 17, 2008, which was hosted by UBC St. John’s College, MOA, Asian Library, Office of AVP International Community Partners, as well as Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC, C.A.R.E. Housing Society and S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

Master Wong has kindly donated 586 Cantonese opera recordings to the Asian Library. These recordings are mainly on cassette tapes which represent the bulk of his teaching materials and  his private collections assembled since his days as a musician with Jin Wah Sing Musical Association (振華聲藝術研究社).

You can visit the display, which is in the foyer of the Asian Centre, until the end of August.

Cantonese opera Cantonese opera


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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