New Books at the Asian Library (Jun 13, 2017)

JAPANESE-LANGUAGE MATERIALS BQ988 U887 N57 2016 鈴木大拙の原風景 / 西村惠信著 DS834.9 I76 A5 2016 対談集, あの人ともういちど / 色川大吉 NK1072 O83 K56 2016 近代大阪職人図鑑 : ものづくりのものがたり/ 編著大阪歴史博物館 PL871 A735 A68 2016 暗幕のゲルニカ = Guernica undercover / 原田マハ PN1998.3 A715 A3 2016 鞍馬天狗のおじさんは : 聞書・嵐寬寿郎一代 / 嵐寬寿郎, 竹中労   CHINESE-LANGUAGE MATERIALS DS777.43 Y375 2015 重返五四现场 : 1919, 一个国家的青春记忆 […]

Works by Ilsoo Kyung: Jayeonmi (Natural Beauty)

Date: June 5 – September 20, 2017 Location: Asian Centre (1871 West Mall) (map) Hours: Same as the Asian Library open hours (see hours) Come and visit the new exhibit Jayeonmi (Natural Beauty) by local artist Ilsoo Kyung at the Asian Centre foyer. Ilsoo was born in Korea and immigrated to Canada in 1967. She […]

Summer Fun with Asian Library

We’ve had a long, chilly spring, but summer is around the corner! Drop by the Asian Centre (map) during lunch time on Tuesday June 6 and join us for some fun activities. (12:30-1:00 pm) Cooking instructor Jessica Yue will introduce the traditional HONG KONG STYLE PASTRY – Thousand-layer Mai-lai Goh (千層馬拉糕) & Sachima (沙琪瑪)! Founder […]

Preserving Vancouver’s Historical Chinese Newspaper

Since September 2016, Anne Lama, Conservator of UBC Library, has been leading a project to rehouse and preserve two Asian-language newspapers, Chinese Times 大漢公報 (1914-1992) and Rodong Sinmun 로동신문 (1967-1975). The preservation project began with the 220-volume of Chinese Times, which were originally stored in boxes, or bound in fascicles or wrapped in kraft paper […]

New Books at the Asian Library (May 12, 2017)

CHINESE-LANGAUGE MATERIALS DS721 Z4998 2015 焦虑的中国人 / 朱建军著 E183.8 C5 Z436 2016 错失与机遇 : 二战以来的中美军事关系研究 / 张芳著 NA7450 B45 Z664 2015 写在房契上的历史 : 前门长巷上二条四十六号的老房契 / 宗绪盛著 P94.5 W65 W364 2016 制造性别 : 现代中国的性别传播 = The fabrication of gender : gender communication in modern China / 王青亦著. PL1171 L86 2016 汉字情 : 符号中的情感世界 / 罗建平著 PL2869 […]

Traces of Words: Asian Materials from the UBC Library Collections

Date: May 1 – 31, 2017 Location: UBC Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Level 2 Foyer (1961 East Mall) (map) Hours: same as the IKBLC building hours (see hours) This exhibition honours the special significance that written forms hold across the many unique cultures of Asia – a vast geographical area boasting an enormous diversity […]

New Books at the Asian Library (April 26, 2017)

KOREAN-LANGUAGE MATERIALS DS917.35 .Y4686 2015 박 정희, 김 대중, 김 일성 의 한반도 삼국지 : 세 개 의 혁명 과 세 개 의 유훈 통치 / 이 충렬 지음. PL992.62 S53 A6 2016 흐르는 쉐난도우 강물 위 에 단풍잎 질 때 = When an autumn leaves fall down on the flowing Shenandoah River / 박 […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Apr 19, 2017)

Chinese-language materials BL1920 W354 2016 游刃有余 : 王蒙谈老庄 / 王蒙著 CT1826 Y36 2016 人生这一场盛宴 : 十八位民国大男人的爱恋往事 / 杨萍著 DS778 W766 W8 2016 伍修权传 / 《伍修权传》编写组著 GR335.4 H83 Z43 2016 黄陂木兰传说与风物 / 张静著 HD1698 C52 P46 2016 中国黄河史话 = The stories of China’s Yellow River / 彭镇华, 彭扬华等著 ND1040 T364 2016 中国画的写意精神 / 唐建著 P305.18 T33 […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Apr 7, 2017)

Japanese-language materials DS777.533 W37 O48 2016 「銃後」の民衆経験 : 地域における翼賛運動 / 大串潤児 DS831 R9 K57 2013 同化と他者化 : 戦後沖縄の本土就職者たち / 岸政彦著 HN730 Z9 M264 2014 街の人生 / 岸政彦 N7353 Y385 2016 ナチス・ドイツと〈帝国〉日本美術 : 歴史から消された展覧会 = Modern / 安松みゆき著 ND1053.5 K63 2016 洛中洛外図摒風 : つくられた<京都>を読み解く / 小島道裕 PN5408 O42 Y37 2016 沖縄の新聞は本当に「偏向」しているのか / 安田浩一 Z682.4 C63 T66 […]

Double Exposure: Symposium and Exhibit Recap

Double Exposure: Symposium and Exhibit Recap

UBC Asian Library and Rare Books and Special Collections successfully hosted a symposium to showcase the recently acquired John Cooper Robinson collection; a collection of photographs that were taken by a Canadian missionary who resided in Japan during the late 19th to early 20th century. The event attracted 40 participants on March 24, and was […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Mar 28, 2017)

Chinese-language materials CT3990 R36 R36 2016 饒學與華學 : 第二届饒宗頤與華學暨香港大學饒宗頤學術館成立十周年慶典國際學術研討會論文集 DS777.53 .Z46 2016 中国抗战大后方中间党派文献资料选编 / 杨力编 HD8708.5.C6 Z38 2016 “猪仔”华工访问录 / 刘玉遵等编 JQ1519 A5 Z4935 2015 中央革命根据地历史资料文库. 军事系统 / 中共江西省委党史研究室, 中共赣州市委党史工作办公室, 中共龙岩市委党史研究室编 PL1735 C555 2015 随身应急情景粤语 / 陈铭恩编著 PL2274.2.C3 L52 2015 中外文学交流史. 中国-加拿大卷 / 梁丽芳, 马佳, 张裕禾, 蒲雅竹著 ; 钱林森, 周宁编 PL2754.S5 Z655535 2016 恋爱中的鲁迅 : […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Mar 15, 2017)

Korean-language materials DS329.4 .K36 2015 유라시아 역사 기행 : 한반도 에서 시베리아 까지, 5천년 초원 문명 을 걷다 / 강 인욱 DS917.27 .H3654 2015 한국 의 문화 70년 / 정 진석 외 지음 DS922.42.Y64 C46 2015 청년 여 정남 과 박 정희 시대 / 여 정남 평전 편집 위원회 기획 ; 정 운현 지음 HQ18.K6 […]

New Exhibition: Double Exposure

Date: March 13 – May 31, 2017 Location: Asian Centre (1871 West Mall) (map) & Rare Books and Special Collections (1961 East Mall) (map) Hours: Same as the Asian Library and RBSC open hours (see hours) John Cooper Robinson was an Anglican missionary who lived and worked in Japan in the late nineteenth and early […]

Symposium: Missionary Photographs of Meiji-Taisho Japan

Symposium: Missionary Photographs of Meiji-Taisho Japan

Take a rare glimpse into Japan in the 1890s-1920s through the photographs taken by a Canadian missionary, John Cooper Robinson. We can only begin to understand Cooper Robinson’s photographs by overlaying both Canadian and Japanese historical contexts and perspectives. Join our symposium led by art historians and historians who specialize in Japan and Canada, to explore […]

Big Thank You to Korea Foundation!

With Korea Foundation’s US$23,000 grant to UBC Library (US$20,000: print resources, US$3,000: e-resources), the Library is able to continue support the collection development and subscribe to the vital electronic databases for Korean Studies. Asian Library subscribes to the following electronic databases: DBpia (Korean Database) This database covers over 2 million full-text articles from more than […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Feb 27, 2017)

INDIC-LANGUAGE MATERIALS DS392.2.I84 J56 2016 Calla Jindara Isalāmābāda callīe / Jindara HQ1744.P86 G87 2016 Dhīāṃ nāla jagga wasendā : wārataka : nārī sarokāra / Ḍā. Guramindara Siddhū PK2659.A52 K87 2015 Kuṛī Kaineḍā dī / Anamola Kaura PK2659.H29733 H37 2016 Hāsa wiaṅga afasāne = Stories of humour & satire / Haramohindara Siṅgha Harajī PK2659.T48 H37 2015 Hasatāk̲h̲ara […]

Most popular titles in Asian Library’s Great Reads collection

Asian Library’s Great Reads collection of leisure reading was launched in December 2015. It’s more than a year now and this year’s Great Reads items just arrived.  Some of the old titles will be moved to the regular stacks. The following books were the most frequently circulated in each language area during the past year: […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Feb 15, 2017)

Chinese-language materials BJ1533.F5 W364 2015 孝道之网 : 客家孝道的历史人类学研究 Xiao dao zhi wang : Kejia xiao dao de li shi ren lei xue yan jiu BL1945.N45 G46 2016 中国民间造神 : 内丘神码与民间信仰实践 Zhongguo min jian zao shen : Neiqiu shen ma yu min jian xin yang shi jian NA1545 .J52 2016 近代外国人在华建筑遗存的遗产化研究 Jin dai wai guo ren […]

Thank you for joining the Lunar New Year celebration!

New Books at the Asian Library (Jan 30, 2017)

Chinese-language materials DS610.63.T45 Y68 2015 父亲与我 /尤今. 马来亚敌后工作回忆录 Fu qin yu wo / Malaiya di hou gong zuo hui yi lu PL2263 .L5 2016 多元涵容的文化心态与文学思想 Duo yuan han rong de wen hua xin tai yu wen xue si xiang PL2302 .C446 2015 中国左翼文学的演进与嬗变: 1927-1937 Zhongguo zuo yi wen xue de yan jin yu shan bian […]

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with the Asian Library!

The Year of the Rooster is approaching! Join the Asian Library & the Department of Asian Studies on Friday January 27 to celebrate the Lunar New Year! It’s free and open to the public. Library programs will be on from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm.  There are games, food, and more. Visitors to the Asian […]

Mending Cracks; Limitations – new exhibit at Asian Centre lobby

Date: January 11 to March 3, 2017 Hours: Same as the Asian Library open hours (see hours here) Location: Asian Centre lobby (1871 West Mall, Vancouver) (map) Presented by Raghavendra Rao K.V., Artist and Research Associate at the UBC Centre for India and South Asia Research, MENDING CRACKS; LIMITATIONS is an art exhibition consisting of […]

New books at the Asian Library (Jan 5, 2017)

Japanese-language materials DS803.K665 2016 近衞家名宝からたどる宮廷文化史 : 陽明文庫が伝える千年のみやび  Konoe-ke meihō kara tadoru kyūtei bunkashi : Yōmei Bunko ga tsutaeru sennen no miyabi N7353.5.T36 2015 江戶のバロック : 日本美術のあたらしい見かた  Edo no barokku : Nihon bijutsu no atarashii mikata HT725.J3 S56 2016 部落史入門  Burakushi nyūmon PL721.M42 F852 2016 医学書のなかの「文学」 : 江戶の医学と文学が作り上げた世界  Igakusho no naka no “bungaku” : Edo no […]

New Books at the Asian Library (Dec 21, 2016)

Chinese-language materials BJ1558.C5 C539 2015 《小学》通俗解义 “Xiao xue” tong su jie yi HF1604.Z4 A78578 2015 一带一路”建设与东盟地区的自由贸易区安排 Yi dai yi lu” jian she yu Dong meng di qu de zi you mao yi qu an pai HQ1767 .L494 2015 《纽约时报》的中国女性形象研究 (2001年-2010年)   Niuyue shibao de Zhongguo nüxing xingxiang yanjiu PL2705.I17 Z9755 2015 纪昀文学思想研究 Ji Yun wen xue […]

UBC Library branches closing early due to winter weather conditions

Asian Library Holiday Hours

Asian Library’s opening hours during the Christmas and New Year holidays: December 19-20 (Mon-Tue): 9:00 am to 7:00 pm December 21-23 (Wed-Fri): 9:00 am to 5:00 pm December 24 – January 2 (Sat – Mon): closed We will resume our regular hours on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. Check out more at hours and locations.  

New Books at the Asian Library (Dec 7, 2016)

Korean-language materials B5253.C6 H66 2016 동도관 의 변화 로 본 한국 근대 철학 Tongdogwan ŭi pyŏnhwa ro pon Han’guk kŭndae ch’ŏrhak DS922.35 .Y43 2016 한국 의 시국 사건 : 1964-1987, 군인 의 시대 를 기록 하다 Han’guk ŭi siguk sakŏn : 1964-1987, kunin ŭi sidae rŭl kirok hada DS924.C475 K56 2016 정선 의 무형 문화 […]

Asian Library Extended Open Hours During Exams

To accommodate students’ study schedules, Asian Library will be open extended hours on Fridays during the examination period: December 9 : 9:00 am to 7:00 pm December 16 : 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Please also visit Hours and Locations to check out the open hours of different library branches. Don’t walk alone if you […]

Asian-Language Book Club Events Recap

The Asian Library joined forces with UBC Alumni to successfully launch two Asian-language book clubs this fall! Each book club offered a “meet and greet” session followed by a book discussion about a month later. Chinese Language Book Club Featuring Dr. Laifong Leung’s new book History of Literary Interactions between China and Canada 《中外文學交流史 中國-加拿大卷》, […]

New art exhibit: The Reflections of Seasons

Date: October 28, 2016 to January 4, 2017 Hours: Same as the Asian Library open hours (see hours here) Location: Asian Centre Foyer (1871 West Mall) (map) The Reflections of Seasons  (四季 -— 镜像) is an artistic idea based on the changes of twenty four solar terms in Asian lunar calendar through a year. A solar […]

Living Library Pilot

Date: Thursday November 3, 2016 Time: 6:00-7:30 pm Place: UBC Asian Centre (1871 West Mall) (map) Co-hosts: UBC Asian Library and  Pacific Canada Heritage Centre – Museum of Migration Admission: Free, but please register. A Living Library Program makes people—rather than books—available for checkout. In the Asian Library context, such a program would provide a […]

Living Library Pilot

A New Donation: Guangzhou Encyclopedia 廣州大典

The Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province has donated the 《廣州大典》 Guangzhou Da Dian  (Guangzhou Encyclopedia), a set that includes 520 volumes of Chinese classical works to the UBC Asian Library. Please refer to the library catalogue and the table of content for more details. Compiled for approximately 10 years and published in the April […]

Asian-Language Book Clubs

The UBC Asian Library in partnership with Alumni UBC will be offering two Asian-language book clubs (in Japanese and Chinese) in October/November this year: Chinese-Language Book Club Session 1: Meet & Greet – Monday October 24, 7:00-8:30 pm Session 2: Discussion – Monday November 21, 7:00-9:00 pm Both sessions are held at room 604, Asian […]

New evening hours in the winter session

Please note that Asian Library has shortened its evening open hours in the winter session (September to April). The new hours are: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-7:00pm Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday: 12:00 noon-5:00pm Sunday and holidays: Closed Please contact us at if you have any concerns and questions about the changes in our opening hours.  

Meet Shirin Eshghi, Head of Asian Library

Art and Cultural Exhibition Spaces

Book Exhibit: Chinese Association Publications in British Columbia

Date: July 6 to September 20, 2016 [hours] Location: Asian Library (Upper Floor) Since the influx of Chinese immigrants to British Columbia in the mid-19th century, different types of Chinese associations have been founded, including fraternal associations, community-wide associations, locality associations, and clan associations, etc.  In the early days, these associations provided mutual aid and […]

“The Hidden Treasures” – Chinese Rare & Special Collections at Asian Library

Date: June 13 to September 30, 2016 (hours) Location: UBC Asian Centre Foyer (1871 West Mall, Vancouver) The University of British Columbia (UBC) Asian Library has the largest Chinese collection in Western Canada. For decades, it has served the needs of local and international students, faculty and scholars. It features a rich collection of ancient […]

Family History with a Smartphone: Community Showcase

Korean Language Resources Guide

Family History with a Smartphone

Do you have an elder in your family who has stories to tell but few members of the family have heard them? Would you like to learn how to record and preserve the stories of struggle and triumph of your parents or grandparents for your own children and grandchildren to know? In partnership with the […]

Asian Centre Book Art Installation

From March 15 to May 31 visitors to the Asian Centre will encounter a new exhibit by Naomi Kasumi. Naomi Kasumi is an artist-scholar based in Seattle whose work extends to book art, printmaking, video, and graphics. The artist was asked to install a book-related piece as part of a research roundtable organized by Christina […]

Korean Folk Tale Book Illustration Exhibition

UBC Asian Library holds more than 100 Korean folk tale books and children’s literature. Out of these items, ten illustrated books have been selected to celebrate and promote the art of Korean children’s book illustration to students, faculty, and local community members. Come and view the amazing illustrations and don’t forget to check out our […]

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with the Asian Library!

The Year of the Monkey is coming! Come and celebrate with the Asian Library! Friday, February 5 1:00-5:00pm @ the AMS Nest (6133 University Boulevard) (map) Join the Asian Library and other campus partners at the UBC Centennial Lunar New Year Festival,  an intercultural celebration of Lunar New Year traditions, for all members of the […]

Japanese Rare Books Workshop

The UBC Department of Asian Studies, Asian Library, Rare Books and Special Collections, Centre for Japanese Research, Peking University Institute for the Study of Buddhist Texts and Arts, and the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies invite you to a workshop on the history and handling of Japanese rare books. Instructed by Professor Takahiro Sasaki […]

GAA Reference Hours

Other than the regular reference hours (i.e. Monday to Friday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.), Asian Library will have Graduate Academic Assistant (GAA) manning our Reference Desk during the peak time from Monday to Thursday. They can help patrons in their own language areas while answering basic to intermediate reference questions in general. Welcome to drop by […]

Vast Ocean, Vast Heaven: A multi-site exhibition on Nitobe Memorial Garden

Join CAUSA (Collective for the Advanced and Unified Studies in the Visual Arts) for this multi-site exhibition – Nitobe Memorial Garden: Vast Ocean, Vast Heaven from December 3, 2015  to January 31, 2016 at the Asian Centre/Library, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and Rare Books and Special Collections. Upcoming events: Japan and the Cinema a […]

Holiday Hours

Asian Library Holiday Hours

Asian Library’s opening hours during the Christmas and New Year holidays: December 21 (Mon): 9am to 8pm December 22-23 (Tue-Wed): 9am to 5pm December 24 (Thu): 9am to 3pm December 25 – January 3 (Fri-Sun): closed We will resume our regular hours on Monday, January 4, 2016. Check out more at hours and locations.

The Korea Foundation’s 2016 Support for Korean Studies e-Resources Program

The Asian Library is pleased to announce that, after submitting an application in July 2015, the Library has just been approved to receive the Korea Foundation’s 2016 Support for Korean Studies e-Resources program, which provides US$4,000 in funding assistance for subscriptions to Korean e-resources.  With this generous grant from the Foundation, the Library will be […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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