
Lunar New Year Celebration 2015

Come join us at the Lunar New Year celebration on February 13 at the UBC Asian Centre! This is the second year that Asian Library works together with the Department of Asian Studies for this joyous event.  Main event starts at 10:00am, including a cake-cutting ceremony to celebrate UBC Library’s 100th anniversary.  Heritage and non-heritage […]

Punjabi Writer Series: Gill Moranwali

UBC Asian Library is pleased to bring you the new display featuring the works of award-winning Punjabi writer, Gill Moranwali. Born in the village of Miranwali in Hoshiarpur District of Punjab, India, Gill Moranwali immigrated to Canada in 1970. In 1991 he obtained the “Punjabi Sahit Sabha Canada” award in recognition for his publications and […]

Exhibition celebrating life and work of Professor Chia-ying Yeh on her 90th birthday

Asian Library, Department of Asian Studies, the Centre for Chinese Research and the Institute of Asian Research (along with the kind support of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association) will jointly present an exhibition celebrating the life and work of Professor Florence Chia-Ying Yeh, a Professor Emerita of Asian […]

In Memory of Ms. Tung King Ng

It is with sadness to announce that Ms. Tung King Ng (伍冬瓊), the first Head of the Asian Library, passed away on June 11 at age 92. Ms. Ng graduated from the Chinese Department, University of Hong Kong on a scholarship with a stellar academic record and pursued library science studies in England. Upon graduating, […]

Exhibition of Historical Artifacts of Overseas Chinese & Historical Figures of the Ing Clan

In June 1914, Suey Sun Fong (胥山房) issued a receipt to Wu Yichou, who paid two dollars in membership enrollment fee. This receipt stub attests the existence of Wu (伍) clan association in Vancouver for over a hundred years. Wu (or Ing, Eng, Ng) pioneers set foot in Canada as early as 1886. The largest […]

Call for volunteers: Cultural Ambassadors for the Ing Association exhibition

The Ing Suey Sun Tong Association (溫哥華伍胥山公所) will be hosting an exhibition titled “rare historical artifacts of Overseas Chinese & historical figures of the Ing Clan” (伍氏宗族華僑歷史文物和名人事跡展覽) in celebration of its centennial.  It will be held June 14 to July 14 at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver Museum in Chinatown. UBC Asian Library […]

The Start of a Long Journey: Art Exhibition from CAFA

“A thousand-mile long journey starts from each and every step.”   – Dao De Jing 千里之行: 中央美术学院毕业生优秀作品收藏展 The Start of a Long Journey: The Collection of Excellent Graduation Works (2012-13) from China Central Academy of Fine Arts June 3 – June 12 UBC Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall) Opening: Tuesday, June 3 | 4:30 pm […]

Tiananmen 1989: A Book Display

25 years ago from April to June, tens of thousands of students gathered at the Tiananmen Square of Beijing to fight for democracy. The Chinese government condemned the movement as a “counter-revolutionary riot” and finally initiated a crackdown on June 3-4, which is also known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre or June 4th Massacre. About […]

Buddha’s Birthday on May 6!

佛诞节 | 花祭り | 석가탄신일 | ਬੁੱਧਦਾਜਨਮ ਦਿਨ Buddha’s Birthday, the birthday of the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism. In many East Asian countries Buddha’s Birth is celebrated on the 8th day of the 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar (but in Japan since 1873 on April 8 […]

Happy Vaisakhi!

Vaisakhi is a festival celebrated across northern India to commemorate the harvest season and the birth of the Khalsa. It is celebrated with great fervour by the Sikh community in India and by the Sikh diaspora around the world. This day is also observed as the Thanksgiving Day by the farmers whereby they pay their […]

Haft-seen display at the Asian Centre

The Asian Library will be displaying a haft-seen table spread to celebrate Persian New Year (Norouz). The haft-seen is comprised of seven (haft) edible items that start with “seen” (س ) an “S” sounding alphabet.  Each household normally creates a decorative haft-seen and this is left up throughout the New Year season, which lasts for […]

Beautiful China Photo Exhibition

A beautiful China is defined by all kinds of beautiful elements: green mountains, peaceful lakes, harmony between man and nature, eco-friendly consciousness in urban planning and development, smile on faces,  happiness in heart…….you can now explore more through the lens of the photographers in China. Co-presented by the Asian Library and the Consulate General of […]

Exhibition: Knowing 360 Jobs in Old China from Cigarette Cards

Come check out the new exhibition “Knowing 360 Jobs in Old China from Cigarette Cards” (从烟画看旧中国的三百六十行) on the upper floor of the Asian Library from January 6 to April 5, 2014. Cigarette cards, also known as cigarette picture chips, first appeared in 1875 in North Carolina.  They were attached to cigarette packs or boxes as […]

Celebrating Hindi Literature – a book display

UBC Library’s Asian Library is pleased to bring you a book display “Celebrating Hindi Literature” featuring Madhu Varshney and other popular Hindi poets. It is located on the Asian Library upper floor and the Asian Centre foyer from October 30 through November 12,  2013. Madhu Varshney was born August 1945 in Sarai Tarin (U.P.) Dist., […]

Memory of Korean War Performing by Ilsoo Kyung – An New Exhibit

Come and visit Asian Library’s new exhibit Memory of Korean War Performing by Ilsoo Kyung MacLaurin in the Asian Centre foyer from September 23 until January 31, 2014. Born in Korea, Ilsoo shares some of her memories of the Korean War in this exhibition. As a child living on a farm, Ilsoo and her family […]

Father and the Republic – Pai Hsien-yung lecture & book display

Pai Hsien-yung (白先勇), one of the most important modern Chinese fiction writers, will be visiting Vancouver next week and giving lecture on his book Father and the Republic (父親與民國) at this year’s Yip So Man Wat memorial Lecture hosted by the Department of Asian Studies. Father and the Republic is a photobiography devoted to the […]

Our Truth – Reconciliation at Asian Library

The week of September 16-22 is the BC Reconciliation Week.  The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), which was established in 2008 to gather testimony on survivors’ experiences of the Indian Residential Schools, is also holding its BC National Events at Vancouver PNE from September 18-21. UBC is dedicated to developing a better understanding of Indian Residential […]

Creating with Paper – a new display

Paper is a medium of ideas. We write or print on paper every day to record what is in our mind.  Paper is also a versatile medium for artist to express their creative thoughts. From trained artists to kindergarten students, they use techniques of folding, cutting, pop-ups, papier-mâché to create fascinated papercraft to decorate their […]

Donations from New World Press

Zhang Hai’ou, Editor-in-chief, and three other representatives from the New World Press (新世界出版社) visited the Asian Library on Tuesday, June 25. They generously presented to the Library 16 titles of Chinese monographs, including “我们的荊轲(莫言)”,  “做个快乐读书人(刘墉)”, “沙海(南派三叔)”, “平凹文墨迹(贾平凹)”, “漫画一生(华君武)”, “北大国学课”, “”一百个中国人的梦”, etc.  The books are now on display at the Asian Centre entrance until July 10 […]

Generation One at the Asian Centre

Come and join us next week at the Generation One art exhibition to celebrate the Asian Heritage Month! As one of the signature programs of this year’s celebration, the 4th Generation One Art Exhibition is a distinctive exhibition featuring artworks of inter-cultural and cross-generational Pan-Asian artists.  The displays of paintings and calligraphy will put spotlight […]

Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver

Indonesian gamelan, African mbira… Cantonese music – what do these all have in common? Find out at “Where East Meets West – An Exhibition of 20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver” (中西合流: 二十世紀溫哥華廣東樂器展) In collaboration with the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives (CCC) (大溫哥華中華文化中心文物館),  Asian Library remounts this exhibit which was first shown in the CCC last […]

The Protestant Chinese Bible – The First Centenary

The history of the Protestant translation of the Christian Bible into Chinese is a fascinating one. Beginning with Robert Morrison and Joshua Marshman sharing sources yet working independently in the early 19th century, many versions and editions of the Chinese Bible had emerged in the following decades. No less than 9 major Chinese versions were […]

Three New Displays at Asian Library

Spring has arrived and all three display cases of Asian Library received a new look! The Protestant Chinese Bible – The First Centenary 基督教華文聖經百年翻譯史 (Asian Library upper floor) Co-presented by Clement Tong and the Asian Library, this display takes the viewers through the hundred years of the Protestant attempt to give Chinese people a Bible […]

“Where East Meets West” Exhibition – extended to February 24, 2013

UBC Asian Library, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver and B.C. Chinese Music Association are pleased to announce that their collaborated exhibition, Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver, has been extended to February 24, 2013. To coincide with the exhibition, curator Alan Lau will be giving two talks in […]

Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver

Indonesian gamelan, African mbira… Cantonese music – what do these all have in common? — Find out at Where East Meets West: An Exhibition of Mid-20th Century Cantonese Musical Instruments in Vancouver. The exhibition showcases a collection of Chinese musical instruments from the Chinese Cultural Centre and the UBC Asian Library’s Henry Lok-Tin Lee Collections, used in Vancouver’s Chinatown during the 1950s and 60s. It is […]

Donations from Robert H.N. Ho & Family Foundation

The Asian Library is pleased to announce that we have recently received three titles of gift from Mr. Robert Ho and The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation. The books are now on display at the Asian Centre lobby. Out of Character: Decoding Chinese Calligraphy 灋迹: 觀遠山莊珍藏法書選 Edited by Michael Knight and Joseph Z. Chang, this […]

WU HAN-CHI: One Family – Two Nations 伍漢持烈士生平展

Date: September 13 – 26, 2012 Place: Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall, Vancouver) Sponsors: UBC Library, The Memorial Museum of Generalissimo Sun Yat-Sen’s Mansion, OMNI/City TV 日期: 2012年9月13-26日 地点: 卑诗大学亚洲中心 (1871 West Mall, Vancouver) 合办: 卑诗大学图书馆, 孙中山大元帅府纪念馆, OMNI/City TV Details 详情: http://guides.library.ubc.ca/page-22415314    

Retell | Rethink | Recover

UBC Library will be hosting an exhibition and one-day conference to commemorate the March 11 disasters in Japan. Click here for detailed information. Exhibition | February 20 – April 30, 2012 Rare Books and Special Collections, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre retelling the history of the areas affected by the disasters Irving K. Barber Learning […]

The 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Chinese Revolution Exhibition

Date: October 8-10, 2011 (Saturday to Monday) Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm Place: David Lam Auditorium, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver (50 East Pender Street) This exhibition is jointly organized by the Chinese Numismatic & Philatelic Society, Chinese Industrial and Trade Council of Canada and the National Congress of Canadians to celebrate the Centennial of […]

Works by Chinese American Writers

The Asian Library is happy to announce that we recently received a donation of 67 Chinese titles of monographs from the Society for Chinese Canadian Literature Studies (加拿大華人文學學會).  All are works written by Chinese American writers, including Huang Helang (黃河浪), Lin Tingting (林婷婷), Li Yan (李彥), Zeng Xiaowen (曾曉文)…etc .  Some of them are now […]

Where Did the Immigrants Actually Come From?

UBC Asian Library, in collaboration with the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives remounts the exhibit “Where Did the Immigrants Actually Come From?” This exhibit was first shown in the Asian Library in 2010 followed by a two-year project on mapping the villages and towns recorded in the Head Tax database. The very idiosyncratic dialects […]

Asian Library Open House 2011: Exhibits

The Asian Library and the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory are pleased to present two displays – Identiverse and Dimensions of the Asian World at UBC – as part of the Asian Library Open House 2011. DIMENSIONS of the ASIAN WORLD at UBC: A display Viewers are invited to conceptualize “Asianness” as […]

Hanfu (汉服) Exhibit

Hanfu or Han Chinese clothing refers to the historical dress of the Han Chinese people (the biggest ethnic group in China), which was worn for millennia before the establishment of the Qing dynasty in 1644.  It is a product of collective wisdom and artistry, and can best reflect the ethnicity of Han people. Some other […]

An experimentalist Indo-Canadian writer – Ravinder Ravi

Ravinder Ravi is a well-known writer and poet who has more than 80 publications including the famous and well known Restless Soul. He has fully exploited fresh themes and techniques causing him to be the rightful winner of many awards including the Pride of Performance Award, the Fellowship Award, The Best Writer Award as well […]

Cantonese Music: Where East meets West

Westernization has been a major process in Chinese music since the beginning of the 20th century, illustrated by the adoption of Western harmony, counterpoint and performance practices. Western elements have also influenced the design of instruments, introducing new sonorities to traditional texture. Created by the Asian Library, this exhibit includes samples of hammer dulcimers, two-stringed […]

In Loving Memory of Professor Edgar Wickberg (1927-2008)

Edgar Wickberg, Professor Emeritus of the History Department at UBC, was a renowned scholar on China and Southeast Asia. He was also very much part of the history of the Asian Library, serving as a member of Asian Library’s Advisory Committee for 10 years from 1970 and offered valuable advice and guidance on collection development […]

Display Honouring Master Toa Wong 梨園樂韻在卑詩

Come check out “Cantonese Opera in British Columbia” (梨園樂韻在卑詩), a dynamic display created by Asian Library.  As part of the UBC Centennial Program, the display honours Master Toa Wong (黃滔師傅), who helped build and document the collection of Cantonese Opera costumes in UBC’s Museum of Anthropology (MOA).  This display is also part of the “Honouring […]

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