The Meiji at 150 Project

The 2017-2018 Academic Year sees the 150th anniversary of Japan’s 1868 Meiji Restoration, an epochal political revolution that sparked Japan’s remarkable modernization, dramatic cultural transformation, and rapid emergence onto the global stage.

At UBC, the Asian Library is working together with the Centre for Japanese Research, the Department of History, and the Department of Asian Studies to present a year-long series of events convening scholars of Japan from around North America to interrogate Japan’s position in global history along with the place of the Meiji Restoration in Japanese historical pedagogy. The Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource aims to promote UBC Library’s Japan-related collections held at Rare Books and Special Collections. Please contact the Japanese language librarian, Naoko Kato ( if interested in finding out more about the library’s Japanese collections.

To learn more about this project as well as the details of the upcoming workshops and lectures, please visit or email

UBC Library Japanese-Canadian Photograph Collection


UBC Library Tairiku Nippo (Continental Daily News) Digital Archive



New Books at the Asian Library (Nov 30, 2017)


PL2872 F364 W36 2016
望春风 / 格非著

PL2892.5 A69 E77 2016
二十六篇 : 和青年朋友谈心 / 钱理群著

PL2932 A634 B35 2016
百年童话 = Life magic / 曹建伟作品

PL2947.5 L773265 W67 2016
我所理解的世界 = The world comprehend / 闾丘露薇著

PL2951.5 Y8 R87 2017
入诗為安 : 一首不可能譯成任何文字的詩 / 歐陽昱著

PL3748 P35 T35125 2016
塔洛 / 万玛才旦著

PZ10.831 Z4362 Xd 2016
小饼干和围裙妈妈. 第一次分开睡 / 郑春华著 ; 阿茄绘

PZ10.831 C4269 Gg 2017 v.1
故宮里的大怪兽 / 常怡箸


DS913.392 C53 C523 2017 v.1-3
正祖 殯殿 魂殿 都監 儀軌

DS913.392 C53 C524 2017
正祖 祔廟 都監 儀軌

DS924 K96 Y545 2017 v.1
고지도 를 통해 본 경상 지명 연구 / 기획, 편집 고문헌과 ; 글 이 기봉

HV6295 J3 C467 2016
조선·대만 특별 요시찰인 약식 명부 / 국가 보훈처 ; [장 신 번역 및 해제 ; 방 광석 감수]

PL989.72 N35 2017
恩坡 散稿 / 沈 樂洙

PL991.74 C5 2017 v.1-4
미당 서 정주 전집. 8-11, 산문 / 지은이 서 정주


DS868.2 U53 2016
川中島合戦 : 戦略で分析する古戦史 / 海上知明

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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