Nearly 70 people joined Dr. Harry CS Lam in the talk “The Search of Peking Man” on May 22 afternoon at the Asian Centre Auditorium, including Ken McAteer and Bev Nann, President and Vice President of Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society. Thank you so much!
To dig out more about the mysterious story on the loss of Peking Man, borrow the following items from the UBC Library:
中國古人類 Fossil Man in China (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History, 1983) (Asian & Koerner Library)
賈彧彰、竇忠如 / 迷失周口店 (香港: 和平圖書有限公司, 2005) (Asian Library)
傑納斯著、董時新譯 / 北京人之謎 (香港: 崑崙出版公司, 1976?) (Asian Library)
秦轲, 郑明 / 神秘源: 影响人类文明的十大考古发现 (北京: 文物出版社, 2003) (Asian Library)
吳汝康 / 北京猿人遗址综合研究 Multi-disciplinary study of the Peking man site at Zhoukoudian (北京: 科学出版社, 1985) (Asian Library)
賈蘭坡、黃慰文 / 北京原人匆匆来去 : 発掘者が語る”発見と失踪 (日本経済新聞社, 1984) (Asian Library)
ハリー・L.シャピロ著 / 謎の北京原人 : どう生活し, どこに消えたか (徳間書店, 1975) (Barber Library)
松崎寿和 / 北京原人 (学生社, 1973) (Barber Library)
赤堀英三 / 中国原人雑考 (東京 : 六興出版, 1981) (Barber Library)
Amir Aczel, The Jesuit and the skull: Teilhard de Chardin, evolution, and the search for Peking Man (New York : Riverhead Books, 2007) (Okanagan Library)
Christopher Janus & William Brashler, The Search for Peking Man (New York: Macmillan, 1975) (Koerner and Okanagan Library)
Davidson Black, Fossil man in China: the Choukoutien cave deposits with a synopsis of our present knowledge of the late Cenozoic in China (Peiping: Geological Survey of China, 1933; New York: AMS Press, Inc. 1973) (Koerner Library)
De-KunZheng, Archaeology in China & Supplement (Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. 1966) (Koerner and Barber Library)
Harry Shapiro, Peking man: The discovery, disappearance and mystery of a priceless scientific treasure (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974) (Koerner Library)
Lanpo Jia & Weiwen Huang, The Story of Peking Man: from archaeology to mystery (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1990) (Koerner Library)
Noel Boaz & Russell Ciochon, Dragon Bone Hill: an Ice-Age saga of Homo erectus (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004) (Woodward & Okanagan Library)
Penny van Oosterzee, Dragon bones: the story of Peking Man (Cambridge, Mass: Perseus Pub., c2000) (Woodward Library)
Sigrid Schmalzer, The people’s Peking man: popular science and human identity in twentieth-century China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) (Koerner & Okanagan Library)
Harry Shapiro, “The Strange, unfinished saga of Peking Man” in Natural History, V.80 November 1971, pp.8-18, 74-83 (Woodward & Okanagan Library)